Putting it out into the universe <3
So today is going to be more of a personal blog post.. just about whats going on in my life and where I want my life to go in 2014. To backtrack some, 2013 was an extremely tough year for me. I like to call it the year from hell because from begining to end, everyday it literally felt like a year of just growing pains/trial after trial/ so many tears and just soo much happened. But now that that year is over, I can be thankful for the lessons and be excited about this new year! very excited!!! Last year taught me many many lessons. The most lessons I think I've ever learned within a years time. Part of the growing pains helped me realize that I wanted to start this blog mid last year, and that it was going to be my passion. From the very start of it, this year has felt like it was going to be a year of magical things! This year was the start of TrixieLuxx and I am so excited. But still I have alot to do. So so much to do that it is overwhelming! I started my winter quarter at school and it will be my final quarter!!! For me this is a very big deal! To keep it short and sweet, I am just not a school girl at heart. Some people love school and can thrive because of that love. I am not one of those people. I wish I could have been but I'm just not. I almost became a drop out nearly a dozen times because I just felt like I couldn't do it. Being a broke college student and sitting at a desk all day is just nooooooooo fun!! But I just kept pushing because in the end, I felt like I didn't want to give up on something I started. I wanted to at least see it through. It felt like such a dark tunnel. Like I would never see the light honestly but then, I went to register as I always do and they said, hey, I think this is your last quarter! .. my heart jumped through the roof inside me!! I was hoping it was no mistake and it turns out it wasn't!!! So if all goes well with my classes, I will be a graduate this year in 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sooooo soooo happy!!!! and sooo over duuue!!! You don't even knooow!!! lol So this year is already starting off so well i feel. But I do have many things on my to do list. I wanted to at least put five of them out into the universe today. I wanted to put them out in writing today on the 30th of January and see what comes about exactly 3 months from this date. I will do an update blog on April 30th of this year. The first is obviously the graduation thing. That everything goes well with classes/ that I am on top of everything I need to be on top of and that I am a graduate this year! The second is that I get a new job! Last year was a very hard year financially as well and this year so this will be a very big thing for me!!! And not just a new job. One that I love! I have been on many interviews so if your reading this, wish me luck! The third is I've been wanting a NEW laptop with a software suite that has all the software I use. I been wanted this for a few years now. That way I can work on designs and whatever stuff I want from the comfort of my home. The forth is to have my portfolio together completely! Have it looking professional and beautiful!.. and something I can be proud of! And the fifth is that I have my 1st degree brown belt!!! This is another passion of mine. I train about 3 times a week now and I am a 2nd kyu brown belt in goyu ryu. My next step is to become a 1st degree brown belt and then I am 1 step away from the black belt!!! Yes! This is another thing in my life I've always wanted so this will be another great accomplishment for me. I been training very hard for a long time now. I have alot of progress to make but I am excited! So there. It's out into the universe. So universe.. if you hear me... no just kidding lol.
happy thursday =)
xoxo T
happy thursday =)
xoxo T
The seed has been planted, now watch it grow!!! Lovin the motivation!!! #1 trixieluxx fan!!!