Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Coconut Oil Beauty Treatments!

Coconut Oil Beauty Treatments <3

So while exploring YouTube I came across an inexpensive beauty treatment that's amazing!!!  It's a little something called coconut oil!  The reason why its so amazing is that it's hydrating in a very unique way compared to other oils. And obviously it's a multi purpose thing!  That's probably just as big as how hydrating it is.  Some know of this already, but I decided to put an article together for those who didn't know like me.  I wanted to put together a list of things I used my coconut oil for and the things I read you can use it for as well!

1. Hair mask!  I did this one a few days ago and I have never felt my hair so soft in my life!  It's so soft but not just soft.  It feels hydrated and healthy.  More so than it's ever felt with any other products I've ever used on my hair.  It makes your hair not just look soft but feel soft and healthy.  It's kind of amazing!You just massage the oil into your scalp and run it down your hair shafts until it is completely covered.  Then tie your hair up and put a bag over it and let it sit overnight.  People say all day or at least maybe a couple hours if you have the time.  But I recommend at night so that your hair can be hydrating as you sleep!

2.  Hair frizz/dryness!  You can also use it as a hair styling product.  Even just doing this makes it so soft. And it takes away frizziness and dryness without making it too oily. It takes away the frizziness while also hydrating it.  And your hair truly feels hydrated even just with a little bit to style it.  It feels like it helped me style it and take away frizziness while hydrating all day while it was in the hair.  It's like my hair absorbed it and became very hydrated and healthy throughout the day.  It didn't just sit "on" my hair. I think this is what weighs the hair down. So coconut oil doesn't really weigh it down either and I was surprised by that.  There is some weigh down depending on how much you use but not like I imagined it would be.  If you lightly apply, there will be no way down at all.  

3. Face Moisturizer!  Yes.. It actually works as a wonderful moisturizer.  But do this in moderation if you have oily skin.  I went a little coconut oil crazy and pretty much globbed it on my face and kind of am suffering a break out at the moment. But the first time I used it, I did it sparingly and when I woke up, my face looked so hydrated and glowing literally!

4. Makeup Remover!  I used this to remove my makeup as well.  It works just the same as a makeup remover

5. Water Softer!  This one I discovered on my own.  I added a little coconut oil to my bath water and noticed how soooft the water was.  It was as soft as if I added water softener! No joke!

6. Shave!  You can also shave with it!  I used it on my legs and my legs never came out so silky smoothe I promise!

7. Body Moisturizer! You can make yourself a coconut oil bath or even just rub it on your skin by itself like a lotion.

Last but not least.  This might have been the most miraculous one.

8.Teeth Whitening! You can brush your teeth with coconut oil for about 2 minutes I'll say and you will have sparkly white teeth! And for literally pennys!  I took less than half a teaspoon and put it onto my brush and brushed my teeth for 2 minutes and my teeth were white instantly!  I was in the mirror like =000!!! lol Works better than any other teeth whitening treatment I used and heard about.  The others are not instant and waaay more expensive and difficult. I even watched a video today about this super expensive teeth whitening kit with molds and you have to create them and send it back to the company to get your trays and then you spend a couple hours with those on and it takes a few weeks to actually see results.  Also, your teeth get tingly after just like with many whitening treatments. With coconut oil, it's instant! And there was no tingly sensitiveness after.  I know it sounds nasty but when I spit after brushing, I spit all the stains out!  I could see it in my spit.  I know that's gross.  It was kind of crazy to see. And I drink a lot of coffee and wine.  It's kind of miraculous!!!       

And these are just the ways I put coconut oil to use. There are so many more ways to use it.  I feel like I'm just getting started! lol There are many many more ways you can use coconut oil that I still need to try!  There will probably be a part 2 to this. The product lasts long as well.  A lot of people say that about a lot of products but this is the one product where I've seen that to be true more than others.  For your face you maybe need just the tip of a teaspoon.  That little!  and it will go a long way.
So I am in love with coconut oil!  I been using it every single day since I got it.  It's apart of my daily routine already! 

xoxo T  

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Friday, February 13, 2015

Beverly Hills Rant

Beverly Hills Rant

(9021 oh no! )

No offense to beverhillians but this will be offensive. One of my jobs that is fairly new is in the West Hollywood/ Beverly hills area.  Where the crosswalks are rainbow and the boys are gay and fabulous lol.  Beautiful area but the people.. not so much.. but let me explain.  I'm more specifically talking about Beverly Hills "traffic".  There's not even words for the way these people drive.. I already seen multiple accidents happen right in front of me because people are just out of control! No one has patience. Everyone is PUMPing on their breaks and gas so freaking HARD!! Damn near crashing every time they stop.. Screaming, doing obscene and EXTRA gestures! but you know what.. I've come up with a theory why everyone is like that over here. Because people aren't just the way they are because they are the way they are if that makes sense.  There is a reason.  I think one is obvious and that is of course the congestion in this area.  That's a given.  But there's other areas that are congested and you don't feel like your in the pit of hell driving in it.  So what makes this place different?  I think it's the not having patience and the absence of more pressing concerns honestly.  In my area, it's less congested and also it's not an area like Beverly Hills or even Santa Monica for that matter.  It's just a regular working class area.  Nothing really plush about it. So because of this I think, and I know it sounds strange, people let you go first, they have more patience and we are much more polite on the road in general.  I know Santa Monica pretty well and it has a mix of plush and not so plush areas but the people almost have the same feelings and reactions as beverhillians but just a little more relaxed.. Over here though, people are on 100 all the time. lol. Like they don't even sit back fully in their seats lol. If you can picture that. Literally. looking for things to be upset with almost it seems.  I think when your in an area where collectively there aren't more pressing concerns such as bills and things like this, you start to focus outside of yourself and also on 'minor' things such as the way someone is driving for instance.

I think it's funny in general how if your lost for example so you may be driving a little slow, that the people behind you 'assume' that your just being 'rude'.  Like I am just taking my time to purposely piss the people off behind me. As if I have a grudge against someone I don't know for absolutely no reason lol. Or like I'm trying to play a little game with you lol.  This is something that happens everywhere but in this area specifically, it's like on 100 max at all times. And they let you know.  They speed off in a way that sounds like there car is gonna explode they put so much pressure on it.  AND not only do they speed off cause obviously they are in a big rush, they make sure they cut you off or do something very sarcastic through their window! lol Like a thumbs up for the way your driving. They gotta get you back lol. This one lady had to cut in front of me, and for me this is no big deal, but because of the area, she probably assumed this was a big deal to me (as I would assume also because people are such pricks on the road here) that she did the twinkle fingers at me to say thanks! lmao  Like instead of putting your hand up to say thanks, she sarcastically twinkled her fingers lol. Just a mess! lol 

The other day, my car broke down.  My rim was literally on the floor!  I had my emergency lights on and everything to let others know.  And this car was honking like crazy behind me. Then they SPEED off and the woman in the car stared daggers at me like she was going to kill me!!  It's like what in the hell!  I can't mooove!!!! As I've been driving through here and know the area much better and what to expect from people, I've been able to deal with all of it much better.  But it's like stuff like that is ridiculous!  It shouldn't be that way.  They have beautiful streets and shops and it can't even be appreciated because the people are so nasty!
I suppose with much of a good thing has to come a bad thing also.  And along with the bad for Beverly Hills is pretty streets to drive in that you can't really even look at because your too busy trying to dodge for your life! 
Rant ended!

PSA: Be kind to others. Don't assume that their actions has anything to do with you. Let people cut in and go in front of you. And with all these things, sit back in your car with some music on and enjoy the ride because you will enjoy it much more this way. oh. and wake up on time! You can't be to angry if you left with enough time to get to where your going!  

                         xoxo T <3