Thursday, January 30, 2014

Putting it out into the universe

Putting it out into the universe <3

So today is going to be more of a personal blog post.. just about whats going on in my life and where I want my life to go in 2014.  To backtrack some, 2013 was an extremely tough year for me.  I like to call it the year from hell because from begining to end, everyday it literally felt like a year of just growing pains/trial after trial/ so many tears and just soo much happened.  But now that that year is over, I can be thankful for the lessons and be excited about this new year! very excited!!!  Last year taught me many many lessons.  The most lessons I think I've ever learned within a years time.  Part of the growing pains helped me realize that I wanted to start this blog mid last year, and that it was going to be my passion.  From the very start of it, this year has felt like it was going to be a year of magical things!  This year was the start of TrixieLuxx and I am so excited.  But still I have alot to do. So so much to do that it is overwhelming!  I started my winter quarter at school and it will be my final quarter!!! For me this is a very big deal!  To keep it short and sweet, I am just not a school girl at heart.  Some people love school and can thrive because of that love.  I am not one of those people. I wish I could have been but I'm just not.  I almost became a drop out nearly a dozen times because I just felt like I couldn't do it.  Being a broke college student and sitting at a desk all day is just nooooooooo fun!!  But I just kept pushing because in the end, I felt like I didn't want to give up on something I started.  I wanted to at least see it through.  It felt like such a dark tunnel.  Like I would never see the light honestly but then, I went to register as I always do and they said, hey, I think this is your last quarter! .. my heart jumped through the roof inside me!!  I was hoping it was no mistake and it turns out it wasn't!!!  So if all goes well with my classes, I will be a graduate this year in 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sooooo soooo happy!!!! and sooo over duuue!!!  You don't even knooow!!! lol  So this year is already starting off so well i feel.  But I do have many things on my to do list.  I wanted to at least put five of them out into the universe today.  I wanted to put them out in writing today on the 30th of January and see what comes about exactly 3 months from this date.  I will do an update blog on April 30th of this year.  The first is obviously the graduation thing.  That everything goes well with classes/ that I am on top of everything I need to be on top of and that I am a graduate this year!  The second is that I get a new job!  Last year was a very hard year financially as well and this year so this will be a very big thing for me!!!   And not just a new job.  One that I love!  I have been on many interviews so if your reading this, wish me luck!  The third is I've been wanting a NEW laptop with a software suite that has all the software I use.  I been wanted this for a few years now.  That way I can work on designs and whatever stuff I want from the comfort of my home.  The forth is to have my portfolio together completely! Have it looking professional and beautiful!.. and something I can be proud of!    And the fifth is that I have my 1st degree brown belt!!!  This is another passion of mine.  I train about 3 times a week now and I am a 2nd kyu brown belt in goyu ryu.  My next step is to become a 1st degree brown belt and then I am 1 step away from the black belt!!!  Yes! This is another thing in my life I've always wanted so this will be another great accomplishment for me.  I been training very hard for a long time now.  I have alot of progress to make but I am excited!  So there.  It's out into the universe.  So universe.. if you hear me... no just kidding lol.  

happy thursday =)

xoxo T 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

How to feel sexy on your Period

How to feel Sexy on your Period

Is it your time of the month again?  Are you feeling bloated/ fatigued and just blah?  I have a few fun tips to keep it sexy at the time of the month where women probably feel the least sexy.  So let's get right into it.

Preparation is key!

Tip #1:  Having Blouses/ Dresses that are loose in the tummy!   These tips aren't necessarily in order of importance but this would be at the top of my list.  I think most women get bloated during their periods and their stomach is the place where it shows and feels the most uncomfortable.  Having a nice blouse/ dress that's tight at the bust but loose at the stomach all ready to go let's you go on with your day without having to be concerned about that.  There's been plenty of times where I was on my cycle and I just put on any old shirt I would have worn and it wouldn't fit and it was riding up on me the whole time I was out which made me concerned about it the whole time verses having fun and being in the moment.

 Tip #2:  Tummy Control!   The week of your period is the perfect time to wear a spanx or some kind of tummy control.  With that on, you literally almost don't feel the bloat.  I would say wear a good spanx but a light one where it holds but at the same time let's you breathe.  It shouldn't be too tight on your tummy.

Tip #3:  The Period Panty!  You MUST have a period panty.  A period panty for those who don't know is what the title suggests.  A set of panties that are specifically for your period.  These panties should be about comfort strictly.  The perfect period panty is a dark color with no designs ( so as not to damage it ), stretchy material ( for comfort ), but at the same time structured ( so that there is control ), should be above the belly button or just below! ( for extra support ), and lastly should be the correct size and a full comfortable panty! ( again, for comfort )!  yep.  No booty cutters here lol.  We are already uncomfortable.  Why add to the discomfort?  Many women wear the wrong size everything and having the wrong size panties while having your period just makes you feel gross!  It's not you, it's your panties!  A good company is Just My Size actually.  They tend to have bland colors and designs and many would consider this the granny panties but ain't nothin wrong with a little granny panty.  I personally think it can be beautiful.  When I got my first pack of just my size panties, they felt like heaven! .. literally!  And when I saw myself in the mirror, they were beautiful.  It wasn't all colorful and full of design and excitement but they were just a natural and pretty panty.

Tip #4:  Cake that face! lol  The magic of make up again.  A face full of make up solves all your problems lol.  Well, not literally but you get the picture and it definitely works in this case.  When your feeling especially drab and just not you, not pretty, like a fatty, tired and old, put a face of make up on! and take your time.  Have a good time putting it on and just doing a little art on your face and being creative.  On a scale of 1 to 10, if your feeling at a low 4 or 5, this will bring you to a high 9 or 10.  It will literally give you energy once your done.  This works also for days when you just feel low, not as pretty or like you've gained some weight.  Put some makeup on and fix yourself up really pretty.  The psychology of doing something to your outside, to feel that way on the inside is very true and works like a charm!

Tip #5:  Always have a good amount of Tampons/ Cotex/Midol (extra strength) during/ around the time of.  There's nothing worse than having your period and not being prepared for example not having anything on you and your feeling like Niagara Falls down there.  Make sure to have plenty of what you need.  Also be stocked on Midol complete.  This is the Midol that should help with bloat/ fatigue/ back pain/ and the regular cramp and this definitely works.  When I turned 24, my original regular cramps that weren't severe, just uncomfortable turned into severe cramps where I actually need medication and let me tell you, Midol takes all of the pain away! 

 Tip #6:  U by KotexYou need U by kotex!!! I think the slogan once was don't be ashamed or something like that or of that nature and this product embodies that.  It's more than a cute cotex.  It's having something in your purse that doesn't look like a diaper and makes you feel weird.  It's a sleek way to handle your business I like to think.Here is what the packaging looks like. 
 So cute right?  And the cotex inside are different bright and vibrant colors and designs as you can see and they are very thinly wrapped and sleek.  Heres just a quick picture of what the tampons look like as well. 

   I feel like if I opened my purse and a guy happened to see that I had a whole bunch of those in there, I wouldnt even be embarrassed because it doesnt even look like tampons/cotex.  It kind of looks like candy to me. or like some kind of woman product but you don't know what it is. lol  I am not a sponsor but I wish I was because I love this product!  Definitely have U by Kotex on you!

 Tip #7:  Double up.  This is something I've learned while on my menstrual journey so to speak and that is to double up the padding.  But not just double up for the thickness.  Double up by putting the first pad on in the center as you generally would and then putting the second one on starting mid way down the first one you placed so that it creates a longer surface for when your laying down or moving around.  This way it comes up the back of the panty and more fully protects you.  If you double up AND use a tampon, you are bullet proof.     d

Tip #8:A dark pant/ jean.  This again is just for the peace of mind that just in case there is an accident or anything, you don't have to worry.  You didn't destroy your nice jeans. A major crisis diverted.  This is where preparation comes into play again.  Make sure you have  the jeans, the loose shirt and everything you need already prepared so it just makes having your period more of a breeze.

Tip #9:  Period Tracker App.  This one is just a cute way to stay on top of things and be prepared.  The theme in this article is preparation.  Being prepared is what can make you feel like your sexiest self, even on your period.  The one I got on my phone recently is Period Diary or PD.  It's very cute.  It looks like a little diary and when you open it, it opens up like a diary book.  It was the most easy and simple.  Here is what the main page and calendar look like.

Isn't that cute?  Simple and easy looking right?  It even tells you extra info like your fertile window is active! Crazy and good information to have I think.


Tip #10:  Own being a woman and be proud!  It's a wonderful and beautiful and freeing thing to be a woman in today's time.  Unfortunately, menstrual cycles and a number of things come along with it.  But it is what makes us women.   When you are feeling the cramps and bloat and discomfort, remind yourself that this is what being a woman feels like and be proud of it! If your feeling crappy during it, it's apart of the rough and beautiful journey it is to be a woman. And do NOT be embarrassed or feel bad or uncomfortable of the things that come along with it such as feeling bloated, leaking etc.. It's natural so there's no need to feel embarrassed or disgusting.  Someone once asked my little sister awhile ago, what would happen if she accidently leaked on the seat and would she be embarrassed? she calmly said at 11 years old, no, it's natural and it's apart of being a girl and oh well if someone says something.  I thought that it was such a mature thing to say and relatively the mentality we should all have about it.  Owning being a woman means owning the good and bad and THAT is sexy!       

  So those were my little tips! =)  I've had a menstrual cycle for 10+ years and in that time we come up with the things that work the best and I think its great that we can share our experience through a little something called the internet.  
Happy Wednesday <3
xoxo T  

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Confessions of a Concealaholic

Confessions of a Concealaholic Product Review!!!

Photoshop in a Box!!!!! 
Hello Readers!!! Hope you all had an amazing and productive week and are enjoying your weekend to the fullest!  Sleeping in!/ eating good food and having some good wine and just enjoying an obligation free 2 days. i hope lol =)    Just wanting to share a beauty product that could possibly change your life as you know it.. So I went to Ulta a while back looking for a concealer and makeup to do makeup for a very special wedding.  I asked the sales girl what is the best concealer kit/ product and what is a good company and she handed me the Confessions of a Concealaholic (ooh la la) by Benefit and told me it was the best so I gave it a try!  I've been using this for quite a while ( the same one I bought) so I can give you a very thorough review of this product.  

& I can say that I love this product!!! and it has made it's way into my everyday makeup look!  Before I get into the makeup, can I just say that I love the packaging.  I am a such a sucker for pretty packaging.  I don't know if it's my graphic design background or if I just like pretty things.. or both lol but I love it.  The name, the way that it looks like a diary with the cute heart lock and key on the right side.  It's just adorable.

And then we open it and it looks like what's shown above and isn't that just so cute!  There's a little mirror on the side that some what resembles or reminds me of this Disney feel, story book and fairy tale feel, who is the fairest one of them all kind of thing with a little message that says this diary belongs to. so cute!  Makes me feel like a princess! And shouldn't makeup products do that?  Don't all girls want to feel beautiful and glowing and like just a princess? lol Well anyways, then we get to the actual make up.  There is an erase paste, two tones of concealer, 2 mini applicator brushes, a primer,eye bright paste and lemon aid paste. That was much more than I was expecting would be inside and the product laasts!  Still haven't hit pan on not one thing! A little goes a VERY long way.
What this product does in a nutshell is cover up imperfections such as red spots, acne, acne scarring, spots, dark circles etc.. and makes you look awake, alive, energetic, younger and beautiful.  It gives you this radiant glow and just makes you feel like your best.  It makes you look like your best self!  What I mean by that is it makes you look like the you you would be if you were well rested, well hydrated, giving your body the right nourishment etc. and lets face it, none of us gets enough sleep and drinks enough water yada yada ya.  I've seen girls take before and after pictures and their face looks photoshopped! Seriously.  You know how they say lighting is everything? cause when your in the right lighting it can make you glow and look radiant?  Well this kit makes you look like your in the right lighting all the time lol.  The only thing I don't like about this product is the applicator brushes.  I get that they wanted to make them small because it actually is an on the go kit with the mirror and all but I am just not a fan of teeny brushes like that.  And the bristles were so hard it felt like it was poking my under eye skin verses gliding against it.  I used them once and I just threw them away and used my finger ( ring finger).   Side note: this is the finger you apply anything with because it is the weakest of all your fingers, therefore puts less pressure and stress on the delicate skin around your eyes.  I really wouldn't recommend anyone to use the applicator brushes because it's just too rough for that part of your eye.
Just a quick little review of what everything does.  The " that gal" primer tube is just what you put on before you put on anything else.  It helps in making your makeup last longer and the final outcome of it is usually nicer and neater with this on first.  The concealer is self explanatory.  The lemon aid paste is a paste that can be used for further covering up imperfections (red spots) etc and is a great highlighter!  This paste makes your eyebrows look beautiful and just makes your face glow when used as a highlighter. The eye bright is also kind of self explanatory.  It brightens up your eyes and makes you look awake.  Even in our 20's, women start to get this dull worn out look sometimes right? from working like crazy, going to school like crazy, everyday life stresses, not taking care of ourselves correctly and then we take a selfie one day and we're like damn, what happened? lol   Well this will solve all your problems.. externally anyway. lol While you can make the exterior look amazing with the magic that is make up, don't forget to take care of what's underneath. But anyways, this was my little beauty share of the week and I hope you guys love it as much as I loved sharing it! =)

Cost:  $36

Where  to buy:  Sephora, Ulta, or any major beauty store online as well.

xoxo T         

Thursday, January 23, 2014

DIY Crayon Lipstick!!!!!

DIY Crayon Lipstick!!!

             I saw this article somewhere online and I immediately clicked on it!  I am just finding out about this in 2014.  I don't know if this is a new trend or if I have just been living under a rock but it is amazing and so simple!  It has to be or I probably wouldn't be blogging on it lol.  Anyway I clicked and it led me to this YouTube video of this girl pretty much making her own lipsticks in the kitchen and I was amazed!

      So pretty much you get a pot and boil some coconut oil or whatever oil you like or a similar base/substance that you want to use, cut a piece of crayon and boil it along with the coconut oil and your lipstick is complete! yep. 2 steps!  she put it in little nice lip gloss looking containers and made a few different shades of lipstick and she just applied with her finger/lip brush.  It seems to go on easily as well.  It didn't seem dry or difficult to apply like i kind of assumed it might be. I would personally use a  lip brush to more neatly apply it and then lip gloss after to give it a nice shine & done!  And don't forget to prep your lips with either a lip balm or chap stick.  This makes it much easier to apply anything to your lips, even regular lipstick and it makes a big difference in the finished outcome.  Supposedly it's none toxic which kind of makes sense since it is a product for children but I would also do more research if it is a concern or you can just buy your  makeup from Whole Foods lol.  Who knew you could make lipstick shades with crayons?  I just loove DIY things like this. This is something I will definitely give a try!!!

xoxo T    

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

#RichKidsofBeverlyHills Discussion!!!

#Rich Kids of Beverly Hills

So today on the Bethenny show which I’ve recently startedwatching, recording and loving, The cast of the new show #RichkidsofBeverlyHills stopped by to discuss their new show and why viewers should watch.  You could cut the tension in the room with aknife. They also had a very cold welcoming to begin with. I recorded this showbecause I really wanted to see the discussion of the show on this topic which was rich privileged kids and what the audiencefilled with 9 to 5 workers like all of us and not apart of the2% would have to say and actually I was shocked.  I wont lie that I had my own assumptions aboutthe discussion and what the audience would say/how they would react.

Like I predicted, there were some that were upset.  And I do have this episode recorded on my DVRto quote word for word what audience members said.  But it came in the form of, [I] as a regularperson have worked hard all my life… [I] have worked since I was 14 years old… assoon as people got to the mic and had a chance to speak they started dartingthat out with uncontrollable anger.  Noquestions for the cast members to understand anything and no other points. What it looked like was that they were directing their anger of having to workhard in life and negative feelings of that onto the cast members for not havingthat same life.

I do feel that I need to say where it is I somewhat stand before I say what my personal opinion is. So  I am a regular college student with noprivilege.  I have dealt with financialstruggle like everyone and I am apart of the 98% of people who will have towork and struggle in this life to make a living and still won’t be able to liveas extravagantly as the rich kids of Beverly Hills.

But still In my personal opinion, even with coming from thisbackground, It still doesn’t make sense to be upset with someone with havinga different life than mine .  If that wasthe case, I could really be mad with everyone, because everyone has adifferent life than mine.  I get thataudience members were mad about it being different financially, but that pointwould still stand.  Also, just an examplewith perspectives.  There are people inthird world countries who view us in the same way we view that 2%.  That we are bougie, greedy, oblivious andarrogant with our smart phones and ice coffees etc.. and it is because they comefrom even less than we do.  Is it rightfor them to view us this way? ..  Arethey right in this thinking?  And maybewe COULD be oblivious and some of those other things, but does that give them a goodenough reason to hate and be against us? Especially if it isn’t truly our faultbecause we didn’t choose were we were going to be born?  We as Americans were just born here without ahand in what was going to happen which is very similar to wealthy kids.  They were born into that situation withoutchoice and we can’t really blame someone for something cosmic and out of theircontrol really.  That is just their deckof cards as we have our own deck of cards. This isn’t an argument to feel sorry for the wealthy. Not at all, but Itis an argument about not feeling anger towards another for where they arefinancially and people who’s lives differ from ours. 

I try and think of it this way.  If I wouldn’t judge and be hostile at a poor person,then why would I let myself feel that way toward a rich one? At least for thereasons above.  This conversation couldgo much deeper.  People could have other reasons to be angry but I am just talking about that specific point becausethat was what many brought up with anger.   

Now some may say.. well.. I don’t like the way they flash itin peoples face etc.. Savvy people know that they are truly upset withsomething else with this being a second argument like it was in theaudience.  I always say notice whatpeople say first.  That is a truerindication of their feelings and where they are stemming from.  And just to add, MANY people actually flashthings in others faces.  It is justdifferent things based upon their financial background and just background ingeneral.  For example, some people throw it in others faces that they are the common person who has alot of financial struggle and has had to work hard in their life and hasn’t had it easy.  Kind of like people in the audience almost [shouting] that they have been working since they were 14..   

Now like I didn’t predict, there were people who were actuallyin support of the cast members side. Almost half of the people who decided to speak up to my surprise saidthey understand and see no reason to be upset with someone else just becausethey are well off. 

I do think as human beings it is normal to sometimes feelupset, envious and angry with someone else for having what we don’t.  It can feel like, why does that happen tothem and not to me?  Why is that theirlot in life and not mines for some reason? And that isn’t fair.  But as I’velived life, I tend to notice that there is just no such thing as greener grasseven though it may seem like it.  Therejust isn’t.   We are all equally blessedand cursed at the very same time generally speaking.

I think it’s good to give this show a chance just because wecan learn from watching anything I believe. Even a pop culture type flashy show like this that some may view asbeing just pop culture garbage.  Someone in theaudience also said they wouldn’t watch because they can’t relate, therefore,there is no need to watch while seeming very angry underneath again which seemsas if the cold shoulder is for other reasons than what they are actuallysaying. Yes after watching a few episodes and an interview, the entire castseems to be very oblivious, not self sufficient, concerned with very minorthings because there aren’t more pressing concerns and seem to have no directionin life but that doesn’t mean it isn’t interesting and that doesn’t mean youcant learn from watching or even relate in some ways.  We are all still human beings.  For the audience member who said she wouldn’twatch because she couldn’t relate; Have you ever watched a movie that completely doesn't relate to your life but was entertaining? (the show "breaking bad" doesn't relate to a lot of people) makes no sense lol. Also, that may be the very reason she should give it a chance possibly. We learn from what isdifferent from us... How do you learn or see something new watching a life identical to your own?  This paragraph isn’ta plea to watch the show.  It is a pleato be open minded for the people who feel like her. 
Lastly, conversations like the one I’m doing on this blogtoday, even a show like #RichkidsofBeverlyHills and a discussion on the Bethenny Show help us grow and understand each other and ourselves more which Ilove.

I would like to end on a positive note..  

True happiness doesn't come from designer bags and being dealt a privileged life as we know.  It doesn't come from being in a relationship.  It still doesn't even come from success with completing all your career and personal goals in life.  It comes from spirituality, understanding, loving others and ourselves and just simply choosing it. =)

Hope that this is an interesting and enlightening discussion post! Thanks for reading! <3

xo T        

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Trixie Facts


Trixie Facts:   

       *Name:  Trixie  

         *Height:  5'7

         Eye Color: Grey 

         *Hair Color: Orange-ish

         *Skin Color: Tan

         Loves: To be barefoot/ the beach!/ lounging at home all day with her puppy / wine <3 / shopping! - this is actually her cardio/ playing with makeup/ eating / sleeping / and watching movies at home and at the movie theatre.

xoxo T <3


Thursday, January 16, 2014

My Fav Brow Pencil

The Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow wiz Mechanical Eye Pencil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To me this is a must have for your makeup collection and the best brow pencil I've tried and seen around!  It's hard to describe but it's kind of like a combination between a pencil and using powder.  I have tried it all.  Brow pencils.  Pencils that weren't necessarily for brows but I tried it on my brows anyway.  Pencils with a very creamy texture.  Pencils with a hard textured point where it doesn't come on easily.  These are my least favorite of all the options.  I originally started with powder like many do.  I tried the brow stencils lol.  Basically I've tried it all.  Actually I take back the hard textured pencils being my least favorite.  I actually hate powder!  The fact that it isn't a one tool thing already turns me off.  In this blog, I am all about the easiest thing and everything easy breezy.  No complicated stuff!

So let me just talk about the pencil already.  It is probably the best pencil you will ever use for your brows.  The texture of it is creamy but something about this formula is so different.  It's creamy so it goes on with ease but at the same time it's not out of control meaning it comes out easy but the color comes out with control so your eyebrows don't look like a cartoon character.  Once you put it in place, it's in place! just like a powder.  It's very weird.  Everytime I would use these creamy pencils from drug stores, they would not sometimes smear but ALWAYS smear!  You would probably need to put a brow gel on to keep things in place but see, that's already a second step and complicated.  Nothing against brow gels.    With this pencil, no smears at all.  I call it the magic pencil lol.  I would almost go training or working out with that pencil on.  I'm sure if you used this pencil with brow gel on top of it!!!, your eyebrows would pretty much be bullet proof at that point and you could go to the gym with it if you wanted to lol.  It's double capped so there is a cap on both sides.  One for the pencil and one for the brush on the other side? WHAT!  Yes, this pencil comes with a built in eyebrow brush.  And it isn't this large comb with bristles on the other side.  From the picture you can see it's extremely neat and compact and actually works better than those large eyebrow combs.  I think because the size of it is actually more appropriate for your eyebrow.  I've actually never seen a brow pencil with an eyebrow brush built in.  This is my first time seeing this.  I've also never seen it so neat, compact and easy!  I really couldn't rave about this pencil more!       

Anyway, the downside is this brow pencil is about $20 dollars =( .  When I saw the price I was like noooo!  Why is this so expensive but when I actually tried it, it's sooo worth the money trust me!  

So the Pros and Cons :

Pros:  1. Goes on easily.
           2. Stays on very well.  Just as good as powder and anything else I've tried that is suppose to be longer lasting.  
           3.  It is a one tool job.  Not complicated just how I like.
           4.  And lastly a neat compact brow brush built right in that actually works better than a traditional eyebrow brush.

Cons: 1. $20 dollars but worth the price in my opinion.  

If you haven't stopped reading this post and arent at sephora right now! giiiirlll!!! go NOW!!!  just kidding but not kidding though.  Get on it!  Till next time.

 xoxo T 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

NYX "the curve" felt tip eyeliner Review!!!

NYX "the curve" felt tip eyeliner Review!!!

So I tried the relatively new NYX Cosmetics "the curve" felt tip liner and it's as nice and easy to use as it would seem.  You can purchase one at Sephora for cheap.  It's like $14 bucks and I would definitely recommend it for actually new to make up users and people who have been doing makeup for years and I'll tell you why.  For new to make up users, It is very very easy to use.  I first saw the product watching a Michelle Phan favorites makeup video and It seemed very very easy to use in the video but I thought though it looked easy, its probably very weird in real life to use but actually it isn't, in general or even if you've been using something like a straight stick for years.  When I tried it, it was quite the contrary and very easy to use.  It didn't feel strange and weirdly didn't feel like something to get use to.  It just fit my hand like a glove and was very easy to apply just like it looks.  The down side is I didn't see any waterproof ones for those who are interested in long lasting and smear proof liner.  For the Makeup Queen which I like to think of myself as lol,  I would personally buy it as a collectors item.  It's fun to use and something just to add to your collection. =)

 So the Pros and Cons

 The Pros:  1. Very Very easy to use.
                   2. Probably better than a traditional make up stick for newbie make up users.

The Cons:  1.  May not be waterproof for those interested in long lasting and smear proof eyeliner.