Don't you just hate awful managers? I literally kept my peace ALL of last year when I really wanted to tell people about themselves. I was even considering getting some of these people fired. Yup. I was that mad. But I just ended of leaving out of state so that took care of that problem. But I never really got to express myself. A lot of people hold stuff like this in because ultimately, it doesn't do any good to sit there and talk about it. Like what good could it really do? And when do people have the time? So, of course I held it all in and turns out, never got to say anything about (as I'm sure a lot of other people couldn't) . But I thought about it today and thought I guess if I can't express this in real life, might as well express it here.
So I came to a great conclusion as to why managers are assholes and why you yourself reading this more than likely have an asshole manager.
When it comes down to things, it's the companies. Not just your company, or her company. No, MOST companies. Why is this? Well, they don't hire real managers. That's right, I said it. Your manager isn't a real manager. Rather he or she is simply an employee like yourself that got placed into a managerial position with no real training on management. So what does someone like this do? How does someone (with no proper training on management due to companies not wanting to pay for it) do? They simply handle problems by yelling at everyone and just doing the basics to stay afloat. They learn on the go basically.
A crash course on management doesn't count for training either. And doesn't let you see if you even belong there for that matter. The job of a manager is to supervise and motivate employees as well as direct the progress of a company. It isn't telling people what to do.. Obviously you do tell people what to do physically but that isn't what it's about.. Your priority as a manager should be to make sure the employees are happy.. and that things are running smoothly. But nobody operates this way because they are too busy yelling at everyone and for some reason on a power trip😑..
This is the 2nd reason why managers are terrible. When they are given a management position, they for some reason view themselves as above you. There's like this heir of superiority about a lot of managers lol. Have no idea why. Probably because they bark orders at everyone that they have to follow. But truly a managers job is to make sure that employees are happy.. Your job is to make sure the employees needs are met sort of thing. Like employees do the work, and YOU do the work of organizing all of us while we do the work. There's nothing superior about that. lol It should be a vibe of like we are all in this together and on the same level except you are chosen to direct people for what you feel is the best for everyone and creates harmony and peace. The problem is these people are just regular old employees trying to manage. I've had so many managers act like this to me and other employees and it makes for a miserable 8 hours or so to get through. So frustrating!
What's more frustrating? They don't even know it. They just walk around holier than thou barking things not knowing what the hell they're doing. I was so close to telling one of my managers off I swear! This is why I hate working for companies. You gotta deal with stuff like this and literally spend all night and all day with people you can't stand!
Another thing, they are paid a little bit more to know the answers to a lot of general things of the business so when things come up, they will have a solution and can be problem solvers. That's the best way I can put it. But for some reason, this further puts them in an heir of superiority!🤔 lmao.. people really make me laugh. So then when you might need to ask them a question for a problem, they resolve the matter with a superior attitude rather than just helping an employee or doing their job... I want to be like.., having knowledge about an issue doesn't make you a superior human being... You simply have a regurgitated knowledge(from someone else) you used to solve a problem. which.. is your job to solve... lol.
I wanna be like, do you know what "knowledge" is? It's "information" that may or may not be correct almost all the time, which you simply memorized and has absolutely nothing to do with you as a human being other than possibly that you may like to memorize things lmao.
Seriously! and it's hard to kind of avoid their behavior. I mean you work with them all day for Christs sake! And not only that you actually HAVE to communicate. Sometimes I would go out of my way to solve problems myself because that's how bad I didn't want to deal with them. Everybody does this. But then we are doing things out of our job and the way companies work, they literally work you to death and give you so many things beyond what is suppose to be your position. So handling more and trying to have all the answers isn't the answer. So what ends up happening is you just take peoples shit at the end of the day. And it's so unfair!
I truly feel for the employee which is alot of us out here.So happy these dealing with manager days are passed me. Rant ended! lol
xoxo T <3
p.s If you have a manager like this, I feel for you! Truly! And I wish I had a solution. You can always copy and paste this and send it them. jk! lol But I know for sure it helps to know were not alone. And, it's Friday! lol *Happy Friday!*
Some manager are just petty asshole bullies that get a thrill making others miserable cause they have nothing else going on in their life. But shout out to the goods ones! Woot woot!