Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Fall Decor

Fall Decor =] <3

Fall is here! & I'm already looving the weather! I don't know what it is about this weather and season.It's always been my fav season by far! The gloomy skies and rain. I just love it!  So anyways, this fall I made this little centerpiece. =) I made it using pumpkins and scented pinecones so it makes the room smell like cinnamon!
Though that faded out after a little while lol. But it was nice while it lasted. I made this entire thing from the dollar tree minus the pumpkins and pinecones. =)

Happy Autumn Season!
xoxo T <3


  1. Great idea boo! I love fall too! Catch a break from this heat!

    1. thanks nay! there was a little break in heat but It's back! lol hopefully it goes away again

    2. thanks nay! there was a little break in heat but It's back! lol hopefully it goes away again
