Diary of a Housewife <3 (entry:1)
Moving ...

I thought I start a new series up on my blog entitled Diary of a Housewife. Enjoy =)
So It's been a couple months now that I've been living in this new "town" you could say. I call it town because the vibes are like town/city slash country slash smaller and more simple living. You know, everything right by you, random cowboy boot stores lol.. the works. It's so different here than where I'm from. I think the last place I left off was that in the last couple months I, left my job in l.a (Culver City to be exact) did a shot gun marriage and moved out of state! A lot to take in still but I'm getting use to it. I also stopped from working 7 days a week to you guessed it, being a part time housewife!
So the change is ...DRASTIC! lol But to be honest, I couldn't be happier with it! =)
But it was a bit of a journey to get here.. Let's rewind a of couple months back...
So a couple months ago I was back in L.a and in the process of moving/ getting married/ looking for apartments in l.a but with literally no luck. And all the apartments were so tiny. Literally the tiniest things ever with the highest rent! and It was like they were all being blocked away in some strange way. At the very same time, my mom also happened to be selling her house and moving as well.. so I was helping along with that project too! 0_0
So... I was trying to get married, help my mom with selling her house, find an apartment for me and my fiance (which ended up being out of state) and find a new job while maintaining the one I already had all at the same time! Even thinking of last year makes me exhausted to be honest with you. And the house needed a lot of work! I'm talking being fully repainted inside and out, yards redone and even floors redone too! It was crazy! I think our entire family got together and some extra people on the side too to get this all going. I don't even know how many people were in that house working lol. I lost track. I did things I never done before like sanding wood.. (my aunt came out from the room she was sanding and she looked like a survivor of desert storm lol) also polyurethane-ing floors.... which none of us knew what the hell we were doing. But literally on our knees sanding, staining and polyurethane-ing floors from a you tube tutorial literally winging it, just to have them be messed up from paint splatters and thousands of tiny white dot paints that come from the paint rollers naturally. So annoying! In retrospect, the walls should have been done before the floors but it was too late once it was done in that order lol. Also, painters were hired but they seemed to also not know what the hell they were doing so I end up having to help the painters finish up the paint job -__-. (If anyone has ever painted a house, you know that pain!)
Also afterwards if you can picture me using a tiny razor blade to literally scrape thousands of tiny dots which was just impossible. This took hours! I just did the very best I could do.
My moms "kind of husband" hired this .... guy.. who was very strange also! and very unprofessional! Like you will find people outside of home depot more professional than this guy. I dont know if he was on drugs or what.. But I was very uncomfortable painting with him too. He would be at the house with his shirt off all the time, drinking beers.. smoking alot of cigarettes and just leaving everything all around... Stuff like this.. and he would say things that were really off and was just kind of OFF mentally! He would also always be late and at one point he brought his ENTIRE family in the backyard and had his kids helping him finish the outside with THEIR clothes off too!.. lol. He told them to take them off so they wont get paint on them.
So his kids are literally stripped to their underwear. His son was out there in his underwear and they were painting too! It was just madness. Literal madness! lol I mean he was a very nice guy. Just off! And the fact that I'm in there painting too just made it worse. This doesnt include emptying the entire house and trying to shove it all into this pod. Selling a house is literally no joke. It's the pain of moving but way worse!
The last thing I remember was literally landscaping, not mowing, not cleaning up or pulling weeds like typical yard work, no.. landscaping the entire front yard which was HELL! Which I also had no idea what the hell I was doing or getting myself into. The plan was to rip out the grass and make it drought friendly? I'm not sure what kind of machine they have for this project but home depot didn't have it.. So we got old fashioned hoes.. yes hoes....... and hoed the entire lawn by hand. I have a new found respect for old world farmers or anyone who has had to use a hoe because even today's farmers don't use these tools..
I'm then driving around collecting cardboard to smother the remaining grass and then loading 50 pound bags of mulch into my car. It was 70 bags in total and multiple trips to home depot( just for the mulch, not including other tools). Then finally bordering off the whole yard and not only that (because my mom is extra), making a little design in the yard.... yeeeeah... lol. I felt dead after this.... im not lying... but the yard actually came out very beautiful for none of us knowing what we were doing.
and that isnt even the end.. lol but its just TOO much to write so i'll move on.
So, flash forward a couple weeks to when it I had already decided to move out of state. I had a mini list of things I wanted to finish before I left L.a. Just regular mundane things like getting my new registration sticker which happened to be due at this time. Also my transmission went out all at the same time! lol Life! .. I also happened to look down to notice my license expired... lol Like what! yeah, you know that expiration date on your license that seems to be never ending that you have multiple years left on. That! lol that expired!
So I'm at the dmv and crap waiting to just go ahead and renew this thing to find out I had a ticket that was never paid that I completely forgot about. So then it was the superior court to getting that out the way, to back to the dmv. The way this worked out was I was at the dmv the day I was suppose to be leaving so I woke up SUPER early, waited in a 2 hour line for the dmv person to tell me that they are not able to let me renew because the court still has a hold on my license. Call the courts in the dmv parking lot like WTF! to find out the lady made a mistake in the computer and it wont be ready to be cleared for another 7 business days?
.. By this point I'm depressed.. But I leave anyways because I had no choice. There was nothing I could do for 7 more days. And because of this I wasn't able to get that apartment because I needed that current ID for it. Sooo... we end up staying with my husbands sister (now my sister in law) which she is god sent for this! But yeah, we stay with her which in NO way was our original plan at all! But, it happened this way so we had no choice but to go with it.
We start looking for apartments right away because we were planning to find something and be out asap! and then we find one! We look all around and don't find anything good but then we submit an application to where SHE lives which is a nicer apartment community with a pool/ gym and everything and got it! =))
It is WAAY nicer and BIGGER than the one we were going to get! The only catch.., we had to wait a month and a half for it to be ready.. lol what.. the.. heck!... But by this point, I feel like I got my ass kicked so much that it was like whatever, So we stayed and paid her a little something while there and just basically waited while the apartment was getting ready.
By the way, she has 5 kids... and one of her kids has a kid... so in total 6. lol and also... 4 dogs... and her boyfriend. So this house including me/Kevin and my little dog Jesse was 10 people deep and 5 animals deep at ALL times! lol Like I dont. have. WORDS! lol
(also,as I write this,one of the dogs apples got pregnant while we were staying there.. she just gave birth about a week ago and there are now NINE dogs in this house! lol luckily this happened just after we had already left.)
I feel as though I can't talk too much about my experience there because I just don't want to be rude and exploitative because I can share my own personal experience on my blog but I think it's wrong to share the inside of somebody else's house and life. Which sucks because it intertwines with MY life and I have SOO many stories! lol But I will just have to leave it at..., it... was.. an.. experience!!!.. An intense one! Like something I won't forget... lol and it was extremely overwhelming for 1. because we are a newly wed couple..2. after the hell I had already been through..and 3. because I am just not use to THAT many people and children and animals living under one roof.
But fast forward again.. and we finally get the keys!! When we get the keys, I don't even know what to do with myself! We got them a little bit early too and we were out SO fast. Like we did an entire move in 30 mins fast. lol
A funny thing about this story is this is a HUGE complex. I had no idea that the unit that was opening up happened to be (BAM) right by his sisters house! lmao... like not next door neighbors or anything but kind of though. I'll say this.., I can be in the kitchen washing dishes and if she really wanted to, his sister in law could have a full blown conversation with me from her room window! lol! like what is life?! He didn't want that either originally because people want their space you know. But now that were here it's actually SUPER DUPER peaceful. I barely run into them though we see them from time to time because we are close but it's a good amount of space. She's the type who wants her privacy too so it's not like shes out her window screaming at us or something lol. It's actually so quaint and so nice and sereene.. and even nice to have family around the corner.
I just found out the other day something so trippy. The area we live in is literally called paradise! I don't know where, I don't know how, but I thought that was like the icing on the cake of this situation. It's fun to say that I moved to paradise! lol
to be continued...
xoxo T
You moved to paradise and left me in hell jk. I miss mah booskie but I'm so proud of the grown woman you've grown up to be.Making big life changing desicions and takin care of bidness.