Good evening readers! Today I wanted to talk about something I've been wanting to talk about on this blog for awhile.. I did a review on the book curvy and loving it and it inspired some self love article ideas for this blog! I said I was going to do it.. and I forgot! lol. Welcome to trixie's world. I'm a scatter brained person and things slip my mind lol. Actually, I am an all over the place person but that's besides the point. I said I was gonna write one of these so I am! I decided to share a list of reasons why the beauty standard in America is full of shit basically.
If you read my book review, I shared one reason there which was..
If you read my book review, I shared one reason there which was..
1) The beauty standard is ever changing. If something is ever changing, there is no pleasing it! Like I said before, 10 years ago, what was beautiful was something WAY different than it is now. And that was only 10 years ago.. In the 90's, an athletic build was in. Now it's "curvy" (in the right places of course lol). At this day and time, "tan" is in. But at one point, pale was something that was the standard. My point is these things are ever changing and in the end, don't even matter anyways. ALL things are a trend! Remember this! (not just weight but skin color, features, hair, anything to do with beauty is a trend just like any new purse or whatever. One day it's in and one day it's out. If being "tan" is all the rage, it won't be all the rage forever even if it's been this way for some time. Even if it's been this way most of your life (for teens that may be reading). To you, it will seem as though this always was and always will be that way but I'm here to tell you it's not! One day something new will be in because that is the natural nature of things. Change will happen because it has to..
2) The beauty standard differs from place to place. When you realize that the beauty standard is different everywhere, you start to not hold it in your mind as this canon or concrete thing. It starts to become what it actually is and that is merely a way of seeing things (or better yet, just a way you've been taught to see something). I had a color theory class when I was in art school and my professor talked about different colors and the meaning of colors. As you would guess, colors mean different things around the world too. In America, white is a symbol for purity. As Americans, because of this, we see the color white as innocent, pure, and things of this nature while red is that color for Japan if I'm not mistaken. Basically, the meaning changes by culture. The feeling of it changes by culture and it isn't a universal thing so to some degree, isn't really real. It's almost just like an idea or just a way of looking at it that we all learned at a very young age. So the way colors make us feel isn't necessarily natural either. It was something we were taught to feel. As with weight,beauty, whatever feeling comes up with that, we were taught to feel as well. So if you ever hated yourself for the way you look or something, just remember that this was taught to you. And as it was taught, it can be relearned! Almost like copying over what was there before and replacing it with something new. If you ever feel others are judging you for your appearance.. Maybe they feel you are too big or not an attractive person according to them. Remember that this was also just something that they learned as well. Just like you.
3)We don't really see things as attractive or not attractive. If you ever worried you weren't pretty enough, or not young enough, or not skinny enough, or not buff enough or whatever, we don't even necessarily see these things anyway. We don't see your weight or muscle mass as attractive or not attractive. We see the meaning attached to those things that we learned and decide from there if THAT is attractive based upon the way our society already sees things. Basically I'm saying, don't even regard others opinions on your looks because they are half the time, already fixed opinions and they aren't even truly that individuals opinion. They are an opinion in some ways society has deemed as okay. It's almost not even anything.So don't fret!
4) Studies show men of this day and time like something that doesn't even technically exist lol. Not to dig at men because they go through the same things we do but for the women, I've heard studies of men choosing the perfect body type and they all or the majority chose something that wasn't even real lol. And in some ways, who could blame because all the media isn't real... but very much so glamorized and what it does is brainwash the public.
These things are things that have to be known! I hope this article is helpful to women (and men too) struggling with self love. Self love is the most beautiful thing you can have! Don't rob yourself of it just because you live in a world that doesn't embrace it. We all have things society doesn't embrace to a degree so every single person can relate to what I'm saying here. But this article is not saying to forget about health and just do as you please. You have to be healthy and conscious but in the same breath, LOVE yourself for today! Don't wait till you've lost that 5 pounds or so. Think about that.. That is ridiculous. Love yourself NOW! Right NOW! Flaws and all!
If you think about it, having flaws helps you to love yourself in an unconditional way(not when things are all perfect but when they are a mess). If you love yourself but not when your a mess, then it's not unconditional. You love yourself conditionally (only when things are right). I think most people desire that in this life. An unconditional kind of love. But then we don't even give that to ourselves! Make that change tonight and decide that you will not only love yourself but love yourself unconditionally (as you are)!
xoxo T
Happy Monday!!! Love yourself! <3
Other self love articles! <3
Curvy and Loving it Book Review!! =>
This is a great article trix, very inspirational!
ReplyDeleteThanks girl! =)