Saturday, March 29, 2014

How to get over any guy in 3 days

How to get over any guy in 3 days =)

(No Stupid BS articles here)

If your dealing with a broken heart at this moment, worry no longer because this article should give you all the tools you need to solve the problem and quickly!  I've developed a few tips over time and I've decided to compile them for you here!
So let's do dis!

Trixie's Tips

Tip #1 - Stop self neglect (Re focus back on yourself).  I'd say usually in these cases when any girl is that sad and that heartbroken, it's because she completely forgot about herself without knowing and has her complete focus on him.  To ever have your complete focus on someone else and not yourself is completely unhealthy and it's a very big reason why there's a feeling of pain inside you.  You have been self neglecting for so long and now its taken it's tole.  The body is a beautiful thing.  It makes sure and LET'S YOU KNOW when you are not treating it right, whether it be bad food, not being active enough, wallowing in self pity, it let's you know.  In the same way that when you get a headache or something like this, it's your body letting you know something is out of balance.  Maybe you need to drink more water, sleep etc to re-balance yourself.  This is exactly the same. Your body is simply giving you a sign that things are out of balance.  

 Tip #2 -Don't take anything personally. - Nothing is a personal thing, therefore you should never take anything personally even though it indeed does seen personal.  What ever he's done (whether it be rejecting you, cheating on you etc) has nothing to do with you and everything to do with him.  Taking it personally is a sign of insecurity at the root.  Some can say, but trixie, I am a very confident woman.., I love myself.., I've BEEN through heartache before and have HAD my time alone etc etc.  At the root, if you took it personally, it's still insecurity and you need even MORE self reflection.  

Tip #3 - Work through your insecurities.  - At this time, you need complete time alone to have for thinking.  A big reason people don't want to be alone is it distracts them from all their real issues.  Do not be afraid and face it!  Face all the things you've been hiding from.  Him being in your life was a crutch for dealing with your life and I'm here to tell you you don't need a crutch in your life!  You are stronger than this!  Don't be sad because you don't have a crutch to deal with your life anymore.  If he's gone, good riddance girl! (and this is no offense to guys. Especially the good ones out there)  He may not even be a bad guy, it's just, he's obviously not meant for your life anymore or at this time so that's why it's good riddance.  Also, there's no such thing as bad riddance lol.  You are strong enough to deal with it on your own!  Here's an analogy that may cheer you up.  Have you ever broken a leg before?  You had to have a cast and a crutch to get around at that time and this crutch helped you because it was designed for that purpose right?  It was suppose to help you not put weight on a weak and healing leg yes?  But once your leg heals, what happens?  You need to stop using this crutch.  Why?  Because what would happen if you kept using this crutch?  The leg that was healing would soon become weak again and eventually disabled because you weren't using it.  My mom broke her finger and had a cast on it not to long ago.  It was on for awhile and once she took it off after the bone healed, not only did her finger loose mobility, her ring finger lost partial mobility just being next to it. This happened because her fingers forgot how to move and had to re learn again which is why people go to therapy for things like this which is to get use to moving the muscles so that they are able to use them again. So MOVE or be paralysed!  Harsh but just the truth. Tough love if you will lol. I'm here to tell you that you are much stronger than you think!      

Tip #4 - Out of sight, Out of mind. - Now it's time to play the avoiding game.  Avoid him as much as possible. But with this, you are doing it for yourself and not for him.  There's is no need to play games with boys.  If you are doing this, you are just wasting your time and nothing more.  Don't see him or try to run into him on accident.  This is a time to keep to yourself and your best friends and family.  If this seems like dullsville to you, there's your problem right there.  You need to fix your life in such a way that keeping to yourself doesn't seem like the worst thing ever and now you don't have any excitement anymore.  If he was your source of excitement, then it's good he's gone because now you can grow as a person and develop excitement in your life on your own.

Tip #5 - No fantasizing girls! - It doesn't help that your trying to not see him but all the while its like your seeing him all day in your mind.  If you thought a fantasy couldn't hurt, it does.  So no more fantasizing.  This includes but is not limited to; (sex, sexual things, romantic things, kissing etc, thinking about having conversations, nothing)  If this is your source of excitement?  Again, that is right where the problem lies. Cant control your thoughts?  Wrong. You CAN.  You may not be able to control what pops in your head but you can control whether you choose to think on it or not.  When a thought comes into your head, immediately dismiss it!  Don't even give it a chance!  And that's how it's done.

And there you have it.
You will be over him in no time!  And you will be a better woman from it!  Don't waist this day crying tears over a guy who was just there to teach you a few lessons.  Learn the lessons and start loving life!

xoxo  T

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Why we get nervous (and then why we try to hide it)

Why we get nervous 

So today I went to class and we ended up being surprised with a kind of mini portfolio show.  I got very nervous right away for a number of reasons.  One.  She didn't tell us that this was gonna happen so I came dressed in some basketball shorts and just looking a mess. Two.  I wasn't prepared mentally or otherwise.  I had to go print and cut  very quickly before class and just the whole process was a stressful thing. But it got me thinking.  Why DO we get nervous/ get anxiety in situations like this and similar ones hence the title and also, why do we have this strong feeling to hide it?

Before I answer these questions, I wanna tell you guys just a little about myself.  I have this weird habit of obsessively over thinking things like this and other things in the world and I will literally think about these things until I tire myself and then at the end of the day, I realize that all of that thinking didn't really accomplish much in the real world lol.  I just spent alot of time thinking.  I will literally spend an hour drive thinking through things like this and come to conclusions and answers and that's just what I do and what I've always done.  I don't think I could help myself even if I wanted to lol but anyways, back to the real topic at hand.  

Generally when we feel [any] type of feeling, it serves some sort of purpose.  So you are feeling that thing to serve some kind of purpose.  The purpose will differ from person to person. Boredom is another feeling we feel and is very annoying actually and then we wonder why on earth did we have to go through this 2 hour phase of feeling bored to death before we found something to get into and the answer to this is the same.  We have the bored feeling because it serves a purpose or purposes. Boredom is usually a feeling you will experience when a change needs to occur or you need to experience something new which makes complete sense when you think about it because without that bored feeling, you wouldn't be motivated to create change in your routine and then you would live the same monotonous day everyday but would feel nothing about it so therefore it will never change. And with living the same day everyday with rare new experiences, you won't evolve as a person and learn new things.  But back to the feeling of being nervous.  We get nervous so that it serves some type of purpose we individually need.. and directly after, though you may or may not feel a change, you've already become a stronger or changed individual from it.  So it isnt just this uncomfortable or horrible feeling with absolutely no purpose or point. 

feeling nervous is such a normal human feeling as we know and there's no real reason to be ashamed of it either.  So why do people desperately try to hide this feeling from others? 

The answer to keep it short is that we feel inferior for having the feeling so therefore, we quickly try to mask it away and act like it isn't there.  Not only do we [feel] inferior, technically in that moment, its like we are because we are also looked at as [inferior].  It's like once you decide to feel anxious/nervous, you step into a world of being looked at as inferior and viewing your own self as inferior as well though it shouldn't be this way.  It IS a normal human feeling after all.    Why is feeling nervous/anxious looked at as inferior?  Because in a way it is.  If you think about it, feeling nervous and anxious and trying to do something just isn't efficient.  It isn't an efficient way to walk into a room, an efficient way or it isn't the [best] way to talk to clients or to people so therefore is viewed as lower rank.  And that's also why confidence is viewed as so sexy.  It's the exact opposite of this and is high rank.And you guessed it, that's why feeling anxiety and nervousness is UNattractive because it is the exact opposite of confidence!  So there you have it.  A brief article about why we get nervous and an explanation of why we try to hide it. So when you see people on their iphones or trying to distract themselves from their nervous feelings or are trying to front and  show everyone that they are fine and not nervous, you know why and perhaps it won't be so annoying to see for some because you understand the root of it. 

More Trixie on the web

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xoxo T   




Saturday, March 22, 2014

Shopaholics Anonymous

Shopaholics Anonymous
        How to limit your spending? 
(for shopaholics and budgetnistas alike)

So you want to spend money but all ya got is air?
Did you just open your wallet and your wallet is literally coughing right now?  Do you leave out the mall looking and feeling like this? 

 But then come home feeling like this? lol

Don't worry.  I know a thing or two about this (and about being a broke bitch lol) and today I'm going to share my little tips with YOU!

but first.

 a little quiz to see if indeed this really is you.

1.  Would you say you LOVE shopping?
      (a) strongly agree
      (b) agree
      (c) strongly disagree
      (d) disagree

2. Would you say you get this itchy uneasy feeling if you wanna buy something and you can't or shouldn't? 
     (a) strongly agree
     (b) agree
     (c) strongly disagree
     (d) disagree 

3.Do you watch hauls on you tube like it's TV?
    (a) strongly agree
    (b) agree
    (c) strongly disagree
    (d) disagree

If you answered (a) to all or the majority of these questions, you are probably a shopaholic lol. But don't feel alone. I know I answered (a) to everything and I'm not ashamed.  For some women, this is our livelihood and that's why I didn't say how to stop shopping,  I said how to limit it because life just wouldn't be fun or as fun without shopping.  It just wouldn't and why take away something you love?  My mom said she could tell I'm a shopaholic when we were just window shopping because it literally looks like I'm in paradise when I'm at the mall and for me, it is! lol   I'm a mall girl and if you think about it, the mall is literally a womans paradise.  Women are the market and because of that, just about everything that's there is geared towards us, made with us in mind or specifically made for our wants and needs.  Now a days you have a nail shop AND hair salon in there too!  You can literally wake up and go there with your best friend, have a coffee at starbux, get your nails done together, your eyebrows done, your hair done if you want, shop, catch an afternoon movie, take a break and eat & catch up (I literally saw an olive garden in the mall I went to last time.. I was so shocked), go back to shopping and feel like a queen when you leave lol. Literally.   You can't tell me that isn't a paradise lol.  And just all that walking is very good for you too.  I love to walk.  Walking is one of those things that actually is an exercise but doesn't even feel like it because we do it everyday.  It  actually just feels good to do and fun fact: shopping burns 75 calories per hour.  Of course this differs and varies depending on how long you shop and many other factors.  But numbers aside because they don't even matter, shopping is just a healthy thing to do.  Its healthy for your body and mind actually.  BUT, you want to have control of your spending. So for my shopaholics that need motivation to spend less  and for the girls that just are budgeting right now because it's tight or your saving up for something special, here are my tips!  These are just my few tips that I notice help me.  Some of these are kind of bizzare but they help me so there you have it.  Everyone is different so feel free to take what you like and leave what you don't!

Trixie's Tips 

 Tip #1   For the time that you are not trying to spend ANYTHING, do NOT step foot in the mall or any place you like to spend.  This includes boutiques, beauty supplies, just random stores.   Something about actually being in the store with the stuff in your hand is like a recipe for disaster.  You will end up at that checkout.

but what will I do to fill the void?

Tip # 2   Watch shopping hauls!  I know this one is strange but for me it doesn't necessarily make me want to spend even more.  It feels like a buzz or fix to see someone else do the spending.  I would do this even if I wasn't trying to not buy something because it can feel like double the experience if that makes sense.  It's like those people that watch the food network when they are hungry.  For some, it will just make you bust into your fridge like a wild grizzly bear.  But for others, its like it satisfies the feeling without the calories. When I look at hauls, it's like I get a rush and excitement without spending.  I've been doing it for awhile now and it actually works for me.

Tip #3  Clean that room girl!  Go through all your old stuff and then you'll realize how many things you actually have!  All the stuff you only bought months ago.  Some things unopened and not even used!  I've been there.  I actually STILL have unused things in my room or things I only used once and then what happens is I start making use out of those things.  Or I go through old things and find something I haven't worn in like 5 years and put it on and it feels like a whole new coat or thing or whatever.  It actually feels like shopping in your room to me!  When I do a deep cleaning, I always find stuff from years ago that was buried in some box or somewhere where I couldn't see and then I start using it and it feels just like that same feeling (or close to) when I buy something new! 

Tip #4   Get to Organizing.  Try little organizational things so that you are able to actually see what you have.  Another thing with stuff like this is when things are disorganized, it all just meshes together and you don't see anything which makes you want to buy new things because you feel like you didn't have that pair of earrings or this and that when you actually do!  I organized my jewelry tree to where I can see every piece recently.  It wasn't necessarily messy.  It was more like poorly organized. Before, There was so much stuff on it that it kind of looked like a big ball.  There was just TOO much on there to where it was like I couldn't individually see one pair of earrings which then made me not even look at it all together, which then made me feel like I needed new earrings lol.  So clear the clutter!

For the girls that are not trying to cut back completely, just some, here is a rule of thumb.

Tip #5  Buy smaller purchases verses one large purchase.
If you go into a store and buy an expensive purse, chances are you will still spend and end up leaving $600 short or you will stop but you will quickly end up back at the mall because it felt like you only just made one purchase.  If you are trying to cut back, hold off on the Coach and Henri Bendel and go to Icing and walk out with all kind of goodies for half the price.  When you leave, your gonna feel fulfilled leaving the store because you got so much and you won't end up back at the mall the next day.  Works every time!

Last tip and the best one of all

Tip #6   Practice an attitude of gratitude.  Before I loose you, this is the tip that has probably helped me the most and I'll explain why.  When I looked through all my old stuff, look at the newer things i have, gifts I've gotten, all my clothes, shoes, purses, jewelry just everything and just REALLY look at it,  I feel so content and blessed with what I have already!  It feels like this sense of fullness.  In that moment, I don't have any voids.  It feels better or equivalent to shopping, I promise you. 

 So those are my tips and I hope this article helps someone out there and if not that, I hope it was pleasurable to read.  Happy Saturday =)  

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014



I can't staaaand when people say omg, im so busy doing this, im so busy doing that.. but before I get into it, just an intro.  So as you know, my blog isn't just about oh here's, this beauty product,and oh, here's this beauty site though this is a beauty blog.  On my blog, I talk about a number of things but as I've said on twitter, I didn't just start this blog to share beauty products though it is a passion of mine.. I started it to share my life.

So back to what this is really about.  I haate when people are like, oh yeah, I'm so busy with this and soo busy with that.. what might be more accurate is I hate when people wear this as a badge of honor and act like they are so valuable for being busy.  Now as I say this, it's almost like 2+2.. yeah. that's right. I agree with that because it makes sense.  If someone asks anyone on the street does being busy make you a more valuable person, they would probably say no because that sounds right, but in actual life, it's like we dont know that as a society.  And this isn't something people just have a conversation about so noone is gonna ask you this but in reality, it's literally like we have no grasp of that. I also hate how reality tv glamorizes being so busy that you feel like your gonna explode.  Something new has to always be happening.  You have to be doing bigger and better things. Big changes always have to be taking place.Snookie is an example of that.  Dont get me wrong. I love her but that is a prime example.And side note, though she looks great with the weight loss and is doing big things, didn't she look happier when she was the "drunken mess" girl with weight issues and  "bad fashion"  that alot of girls including me actually liked? & THAT is what built her empire, not whatever she's doing now. She just seemed more real, and happy and carefree.  I remember watching this one reality show, I don't even remember who the lady was and it's already cancelled lol but someone in hollyweird and I remember her talking about all the things she has to do while she was being driven somewhere and I just remember her looking sooo stressed to the point of not being able to function.  She looked so wired and stressed that I'm positive that all these "things" she just had to do, she wouldn't even be able to handle or function in a productive way because she's already too overwhelmed.  I actually GUARANTEE she won't be productive.  I know a thing or two or three lol about things like this. she's just riding somewhere and feeling stressed and hating life.  I'm sorry but I would rather live a "boring" and "invaluable" life if it means I can actually ENJOY my life.  Even if it means I'm not doing big things.. so be it.  Like ice cube said on the wendy show, in hollywood, people always have to be doing bigger and better things, but sometimes things are good as is and I applaud that statement. I happen to be a person that has BIG dreams.VERY BIG. but it's like, what if I didnt?  Why does having big dreams make someone valuable? It actually doesn't. That's called brainwash.  It's different if you got things to do and you actually are busy.  It's the thinking that it just makes you soo valuable now.  That it makes me value the day that you had.  Granted I do understand that when someone asks you how your day was and your like good and they asked you what you did, and your like nothing, I can see how that looks like dullsville and no one wants to look like that but it's like SO WHAT you know.  Someonetimes people need days like that of nothingness.  Didn't fix your hair or put makeup on?  Didnt do something "productive" with your day?  so what.  That's why childhood is such a beautiful thing.  Not because you were kid, because you had days of nothingness.   Some days are like that and some days, you DO just need to have to yourself.. that isnt a crime.  I think the problem with the adult world, or maybe one em because we have many is we don't allow ourselves days like that enough.  We dont allow ourselves days to do nothing and days to be "not productive".  We don't allow days to just relax and just live without the confines of a work place and school and errands and such and then when we have a day of doing nothing, we treat it like a crime.  We treat it like it's the worst thing ever sometimes and then we beat ourselves up so we can't even enjoy it!  Everyday doesn't have to be productive, productive, productive.  We aren't machines!  For those that say they don't have the time, that's a whole different article and argument lol.  But I will say that having at least one day of nothingness in your week or once every two weeks, I garautee will make you a more productive person anyway.

anyways... that was my little rant..if you haven't guessed yet, this is a day that got away from me lol. but F that. It happened by mistake and I WILL NOT beat myself up for it.  I will enjoy today as if it is the best day ever!! =) and you know what.. it is because it is a day that god made. It actually feels theraputic to put this on the web and maybe someone will gain something positive from it.  I'm about to go have this top ramen lol that's actually felt like doin this bonus blog today and I hope you guys enjoy and have a great rest of the day. As always..

 follow me on twitter for more rants, random tweets and just my life: 
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xoxo T 


Saturday, March 15, 2014

AMI Clubwear!!!!!!!!!

AMI Clubwear!!!!!!!

 This site has some of the sexiest../ cutest../ flirtiest dresses AND for a low low price!!!  Needless to say I'm obseeessed!!!  sexy sexy dresses too.  They have cocktail dresses, pumps, swimsuits, lingerie, maxi dresses, party dresses that will make you look like the hottest sexiest girl ever, aaalll accesories, purssses! & they are soo cute!.  better than the Kardasian Kollection definitely and so much  more to choose from, lashes? lol but yes! cool! and this is the kicker.. they have a heellloo kiiittyyyy sectiiiioon!!!!!!! what????  If you don't know,  I am one of those grown women who are hellooo kitttyy obseeeesssed.  I even saw a keroppi print dress on there!  The site is cute and easy to maneuver through and also,  I like the fact they also have plus size models as well as petite models.  They don't discriminate and the girls are all just beautiful.    ok. so this is my favorite online store now! thats it!  no more. lol 

Here are a few pairs of shades I saw and thought should be  a must have for spring!!

Don't these scream spring?  Heart glasses scream spring to me and the flower glasses remind me of a carefree spring day at the beach or something.  They are only like $12 bucks!

And they have bathing suits!! Just in time for spring coming in just a short few weeks.  Here are a few cute bathing suites I saw.  

Love this.  I just love bright and fun stuff like this and definitely feels like spring!

 This one makes me want to go swimming noooow!!!!
I loove this hot pink and it's in this spring too!  It's like a barbie pink and it's just so bold and bright it makes me tingly all over.  And for the one piece gal

A  dark one piece but still fun with the leopard print and sexy with the cut outs and spaghetti string halter.  i just adore spaghetti string everything so love this!

For those of you who feel funny about online shopping, especially for things like clothes and stuff with the whole not being able to try it on or maybe it seems complicated, once you get into it, it's toooootally worth it!  It's sooo easy and when the delivery man comes, it feels like presents in the mail.  It makes getting mail exciting to me.  I just love online shopping!!!  I love to shop in stores too but online, you can easily find and access everything and it's just so much fun!

So I love this store! I love this store! I love this store! I love this store!!! lol.  This is my new fav online store! and as soon as I can, I'm gonna shop till I drop on here and haul it for you guys!  I love this store so much I feel excited just writing about it.  Gave myself a little natural high over here! lol mwa mwa mwa! kisses to my readers! 

Want more TrixieLuxx?

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xoxo T        


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

2 Month Anniversary!!!!!

2 Month Anniversary!!!!!!!!!

This day really just crept up on me.  I am in my type class right now and just happen to look over at the date on my screen and realized that today marks 2 months of trixieluxx!  2 months strong!!!  I am actually so exhausted this morning.  I didn't get the best of sleep and there is just a lot going on right now and will be for the next few weeks.  But I am still very excited!  I was thinking of making this somewhat of a reflective post but I think I'll do that at the end of next month for my putting out into the universe post.  That post will just be one giant reflection lol and we'll see if the universe gave me everything I asked for... hmm well see.  But I will reflect on the fact that trixieluxx has a facebook and twitter page!! yaaay!

 If you aren't following yet, like and follow pretty please.  If you never want to miss an article, like the trixieluxx facebook page for all the updates, videos etc!  For just more trixieluxx, pictures, post, shares, photos of my doggie, stuff like that follow me on twitter! ^_^  Um yes.  And that will do it for me today.  Just a little bonus blog for my readers this week.

 xoxo T        


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Red Carpet Fashion Secrets!! (Tips + Tricks)

Red Carpet Fashion Secret!! (Tips + Tricks)

 I was watching my show Wendy and remember how I told you they sometimes have really good fashion segments on these shows?  Well the other day they had a GREAT fashion segment!  I loved it so much I thought I do an article on all the products I was obsessed about.  I literally wanted to buy everything they were talking about!  All the products seemed simple and easy to use and like they all just make you feel like a queen when your done using them.  I skipped the ones I wasn't interested in and I researched the ones I did for you guys.  So lets get into the products!

These are supposedly popular products with celebrities on the red carpet.  I think if people whos business it is to look great (and also have teams of people and business meetings to create what we see on the red carpet) use these things, then it's a gold mine!

1. Glam GLow - This was my favorite product of the bunch.  The Fashion Expert said this was suppose to be like a face lift in a bottle and it was voted the best face mask in the world.  It is a supermud and it's suppose to draw out dirt,impurities and congestion and give your skin a healthy glow.  You put it on a few hours before an event and you are good to go!  It's sold at my fav store Sephora or online.  The downside is it's $69 dollars =/ but looks REALLY good!  I'm putting this on my wishlist!

2. H20 + Sea Salt Hydrating body gloss - ... Don't you wanna buy this already?  lol.   This was my second fav product.  This one is a spray that hydrates your skin and just make you look glowing and special.  It should give you shiney beautiful skin minus the oily feel.  It's like a touch of sheen that makes you look extra beautiful.  This is only $15 which is a good price I think.  I've tried a few sea salt products before and from my experience they are wonderful!  All girls should have a sea salt scrub in their bathroom!  It's made with an oil called jojoba oil and is suppose to be rich in antioxidants.  I found this one at 


3.  Pout-O-Matic -  This is a lip exfoliator.  It looks like a electric toothbrush and essentially is the same thing with a twist.  Some people use a toothbrush to exfoliate there lips so this is a like an adapt of that idea but without the harsh bristles and should gently exfoliate and stimulate your lips. The wand is specially made for your lips and comes with a fabulips serum.  This is a creamy lip scrub that polishes, nourishes and conditions your lips.  Your lipstick should last longer and look better after using this product.  And for girls that don't have full lips, it should give a slight plump to your lips also.  This could seem like extra steps for some but for true makeup girls, you know how much of a difference these things make.  When you take care of whats underneath, your lips color will just look beautiful and 1000 x better.  And the lip color accentuates what is underneath so if your lips are nourished and soft and beautiful, your lipstick will accentuate that.  If you've ever tried to put lipstick directly on and it was like brushing your hair with tangles, then you know this product is worth getting lol.  This is at both Sephora and Ulta! $48 bucks but it's a gift to yourself that will keep on giving.


 4. Better Than Sex Mascara!  What a name! lol  Um.. yeah.  On the show she said putting on one layer of this will make it look like you have falsies lol.  So yeah.  I want to give this a try. $23 bucks and Ulta and Sephora.

5.Combo Bra Adhesive Straps for Backless Dresses - I've Always wondered how people wore strapless gowns and backless things with still looking like they had support and I guess this is how they do it.  I'm not sure how it would work for large breasted girls like myself but it seems like one of those things where you will just have to try and find out.  I saw this one at classic shapewear online.  I really like this site.  It has all things shapewear and a whole bunch of stuff I didn't even know existed.  

Just LOVED that fashion segment and these products!  I was so excite to share!   Kisses to my readers and happy shopping!!!

*My Links*  

- connect with me on facebook!

- If you would like to see a specific article, send your request to

- oh yes and trixieluxx now has a twitter page!!!  Follow me at

xoxo T 




Saturday, March 1, 2014



My Very First StoryTime!!!  So this is the first entry of a new

 installment I just added to my blog called StoryTime!  Yes, I

 stole the title from Gigi Gorgeous cause I love him and I

 thought.. Well I have stories too! Many stories!  So read,

laugh, cry, laugh some more and just enjoy!

So awhile ago, me, my cousin, her boyfriend at the time, my 

baby sister and my cousin's dog ginger decided we were

going to go to this park in san pedro.  It started off very

peaceful and normal.  Walking the dog, talking with my

 cousin, taking pics, playing with squirrels, whatever.  It was

 fun.  It was a new park I hadn't been to so it was nice. 

So then we decided that we were going to go to this little lake

they had there.  We had a few packs of bread and we were 

going to feed the ducks which sidenote I kind of love by the 

way.  Ducks have always been kinda my fav things at parks.  

So we are feeding ducks.. I'm tearing small pieces of bread 

gently feeding the baby ducks.  My cousins feeding ducks, 

I think even her boyfriend was feeding some ducks.  Now

 while this was going on, my little sister was on the other side

 of the lake/ pond whatever playing with bread and being

 rough.. crumbling.. ripping it into pieces, throwing it up into

 the air like confetti, making dough balls etc.  Throwing the

 bread really hard into the water (as if chucking rocks). 

Then..  She took an  entire slice of bread out of the package

 and chucked it REALLY hard at  the water.  (Mind you.. she

 is on the otherside of the pond away from me).  The bread

 flipped, flipped, flipped, and hit this really BIG goose on the

 back of the neck!  So I didn't mention there were these 2

 LARGE geese in the water that I had been trying to avoid

 just because  anytime I've ever seen geese at a park, they

 have always been these aggressive big birds that will literally

 attack you and your bread.  So the entire slice of bread hit

 the goose on the back of the neck.  And like I said my sister 

threw the bread really hard so the bread actually hit the 

goose so hard that the goose hunched over.  Then he turned 

around slowly and you should have seen the goose's face!  I 

swear to god,  the bird looked so human!  The bird looked 

mad as hell! like, who the hell through this at me??  The thing

about this was the way we were all positioned, I told you my

 sister  was on the other side of the lake, she threw it 

in a diagonal  and the goose's back was directly in front of

 me.. so the way it looked was like I DID IT!  All of this

 seemed to be happening in slow motion like when you're

 about to fall and you know your about to fall but for some

 reason, it's like your brain is just frozen and you can't do

 anything about it. The Goose looked furious!!  It turned

 around slowly and his eyes were scanning to see who did it.

 And then his vision zeroed  in on me! And his eyes got really

 big as if to say YOU DID THIS!  It started SCREAMING at

 the TOP of its LUNGS!.. making all kind of noises and

 started walking threw the lake in my direction.  The other

 goose joined in and started screaming  too, making all these

 noises and they both started walking out of the water in my

direction.Their wings spread out wide like " so what's up" kind

 of thing!  I kid you not!  And I promise you.  These geese

 were some BIG ASS geese!   These were like the biggest

 geese I've ever seen in my life!..  These were like some

 geese from tyrannosaurus Rex times!  I swear to god! lol  So

 they were getting closer and closer to me and ginger and  I

 was kind of frozen because It's like.. When does this happen

 to somebody?  I was so shocked that it was even happening

and I had no idea what to do next.  I had the dog in my hand.

  I just did not know what to do.  My cousin was on the 

side watching and I was yelling help!  Then she took out her

phone and started recording it!!  I was lookin at her like.. this 

isn't a game!.. she was watching and laughing like it was

a tv show.  I was like.. this isn't a show!  help!!  

Then I started looking around for her boyfriend because he 

wasn't even there!  He just dissapeared.  I was thinking.. 

where is he?  And then all of a sudden, I 

see him hop over the rails and all the bushes.  The bushes

and rails were behind me and it was a big amount of bushes 

so he did a really giant leap to get over so when I looked to 

my left, I just saw him in the air because that's how high he 

jumped.  When he landed, he landed really hard so the 

sound was like a big thud and it startled both the geese

and made them look in his direction. When he landed, he had

both of his hands out looking wild like he was gonna do

somethin.  He started running full speed at the geese!!!  

Will Smith Style lol!  Both the geese looked and started

 running fast in the other  direction! lol!!  There's no way to

 explain through type or even talking with someone how all

 that looked! lol!!  Both the geese had their wings out

 screaming and running. It was hilarious!!!  While it was all

 happening though, I was in a state of shock. I saw him in the

 air and I was just looking like =0. lol  I felt very rescued

 though.  Right afterwards it was hilarious.  We were

 laughing so hard nobody could breathe.  Actually the whole

 park was laughing because everybody was watching lol.. 

smh.. oh my life lol..  

xoxo T

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