#Rich Kids of Beverly Hills
So today on the Bethenny show which I’ve recently startedwatching, recording and loving, The cast of the new show #RichkidsofBeverlyHills stopped by to discuss their new show and why viewers should watch. You could cut the tension in the room with aknife. They also had a very cold welcoming to begin with. I recorded this showbecause I really wanted to see the discussion of the show on this topic which was rich privileged kids and what the audiencefilled with 9 to 5 workers like all of us and not apart of the2% would have to say and actually I was shocked. I wont lie that I had my own assumptions aboutthe discussion and what the audience would say/how they would react.
Like I predicted, there were some that were upset. And I do have this episode recorded on my DVRto quote word for word what audience members said. But it came in the form of, [I] as a regularperson have worked hard all my life… [I] have worked since I was 14 years old… assoon as people got to the mic and had a chance to speak they started dartingthat out with uncontrollable anger. Noquestions for the cast members to understand anything and no other points. What it looked like was that they were directing their anger of having to workhard in life and negative feelings of that onto the cast members for not havingthat same life.
I do feel that I need to say where it is I somewhat stand before I say what my personal opinion is. So I am a regular college student with noprivilege. I have dealt with financialstruggle like everyone and I am apart of the 98% of people who will have towork and struggle in this life to make a living and still won’t be able to liveas extravagantly as the rich kids of Beverly Hills.
But still In my personal opinion, even with coming from thisbackground, It still doesn’t make sense to be upset with someone with havinga different life than mine . If that wasthe case, I could really be mad with everyone, because everyone has adifferent life than mine. I get thataudience members were mad about it being different financially, but that pointwould still stand. Also, just an examplewith perspectives. There are people inthird world countries who view us in the same way we view that 2%. That we are bougie, greedy, oblivious andarrogant with our smart phones and ice coffees etc.. and it is because they comefrom even less than we do. Is it rightfor them to view us this way? .. Arethey right in this thinking? And maybewe COULD be oblivious and some of those other things, but does that give them a goodenough reason to hate and be against us? Especially if it isn’t truly our faultbecause we didn’t choose were we were going to be born? We as Americans were just born here without ahand in what was going to happen which is very similar to wealthy kids. They were born into that situation withoutchoice and we can’t really blame someone for something cosmic and out of theircontrol really. That is just their deckof cards as we have our own deck of cards. This isn’t an argument to feel sorry for the wealthy. Not at all, but Itis an argument about not feeling anger towards another for where they arefinancially and people who’s lives differ from ours.
I try and think of it this way. If I wouldn’t judge and be hostile at a poor person,then why would I let myself feel that way toward a rich one? At least for thereasons above. This conversation couldgo much deeper. People could have other reasons to be angry but I am just talking about that specific point becausethat was what many brought up with anger.
Now some may say.. well.. I don’t like the way they flash itin peoples face etc.. Savvy people know that they are truly upset withsomething else with this being a second argument like it was in theaudience. I always say notice whatpeople say first. That is a truerindication of their feelings and where they are stemming from. And just to add, MANY people actually flashthings in others faces. It is justdifferent things based upon their financial background and just background ingeneral. For example, some people throw it in others faces that they are the common person who has alot of financial struggle and has had to work hard in their life and hasn’t had it easy. Kind of like people in the audience almost [shouting] that they have been working since they were 14..
Now like I didn’t predict, there were people who were actuallyin support of the cast members side. Almost half of the people who decided to speak up to my surprise saidthey understand and see no reason to be upset with someone else just becausethey are well off.
I do think as human beings it is normal to sometimes feelupset, envious and angry with someone else for having what we don’t. It can feel like, why does that happen tothem and not to me? Why is that theirlot in life and not mines for some reason? And that isn’t fair. But as I’velived life, I tend to notice that there is just no such thing as greener grasseven though it may seem like it. Therejust isn’t. We are all equally blessedand cursed at the very same time generally speaking.
I think it’s good to give this show a chance just because wecan learn from watching anything I believe. Even a pop culture type flashy show like this that some may view asbeing just pop culture garbage. Someone in theaudience also said they wouldn’t watch because they can’t relate, therefore,there is no need to watch while seeming very angry underneath again which seemsas if the cold shoulder is for other reasons than what they are actuallysaying. Yes after watching a few episodes and an interview, the entire castseems to be very oblivious, not self sufficient, concerned with very minorthings because there aren’t more pressing concerns and seem to have no directionin life but that doesn’t mean it isn’t interesting and that doesn’t mean youcant learn from watching or even relate in some ways. We are all still human beings. For the audience member who said she wouldn’twatch because she couldn’t relate; Have you ever watched a movie that completely doesn't relate to your life but was entertaining? (the show "breaking bad" doesn't relate to a lot of people) makes no sense lol. Also, that may be the very reason she should give it a chance possibly. We learn from what isdifferent from us... How do you learn or see something new watching a life identical to your own? This paragraph isn’ta plea to watch the show. It is a pleato be open minded for the people who feel like her.
Lastly, conversations like the one I’m doing on this blogtoday, even a show like #RichkidsofBeverlyHills and a discussion on the Bethenny Show help us grow and understand each other and ourselves more which Ilove.
I would like to end on a positive note..
True happiness doesn't come from designer bags and being dealt a privileged life as we know. It doesn't come from being in a relationship. It still doesn't even come from success with completing all your career and personal goals in life. It comes from spirituality, understanding, loving others and ourselves and just simply choosing it. =)
Hope that this is an interesting and enlightening discussion post! Thanks for reading! <3
xo T
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