Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Putting it out into the Universe Part 2.

Putting it out into the Universe Part 2. <3

Three months ago I wrote a blog entitled putting it out into the universe.  I wanted to put on the internet and just put out into the world some things I was working on and wanted to be accomplished or at least be closer to accomplishing within 3 months time.  That blog was written in the beginning of my quarter this year.  The list was to have together my portfolio, to get through my quarter which is just all of my final classes including all the prep for my portfolio show, to do my testing for my first kyu brown belt, a new design job, and the last is kind of a two in one which was a new laptop and a specific software suite that I had been wanting for a few years now.  I don't know if that's a lot or not but yeah those were my goals.  So now to reveal what actually happened lol.

If you follow on twitter which I always say because I guess I share everything on there and all my updates and whats happening with me ends up being on there first or just there just because its easier for me.  Anyways, If you do, you've probably seen a few pics and heard me say some things which gave some of it away but firstly I'll share that I passed all my classes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I can say I will officially be a graduate of 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mentioned in my last blog how big of a deal this was for me so yeah.  I'm very very proud of myself for that!!!  I guess I will mention what actually came into fruition and then what didn't lol.  So that happened so obviously I finished my portfolio too which was soo stressful at the time.  I'm just thankful it's aaall over.  Part of getting things together for the end of the quarter for graduating students (which I didn't know when writing the last blog) was that not only did you have to make a final portfolio, we also needed a design website and business cards and that we were actually participating in the portfolio show!!  So I made my business cards, my portfolio, did my portfolio show and my design website which is online right now!  It was stressful at the time because it was a very short amount of time to get all that together + my regular classes/projects but I did it!!  So I'm happy about that!  Then the next was my computer.  I was looking around for a computer for a little while and if you follow me on twitter you've already seen pics but I'm in love!  It was very important to me that my computer was pink.  I know that's silly but yeah, so I got my pink laptop that actually comes with a Photoshop elements which is kind of cool.  I use CS6, but if all else fails, then at least I have something.  For the software I decided that I don't want that suite anymore and am thinking about just finding one or two software's for cheap and just using those.  This year I also had been applying for freelance gigs around along with design jobs.  My goal was to have a regular 9 to 5 design job with a good company or that still is my goal because it's more concrete than freelance which sad to say I didn't get yet but I did get a few freelance gigs so I'm actually happy with that and I'm still trying for something so we will just see what happens.  I guess ideally I would write to you guys everyday for a living.  I would have that be my everyday 9 to 5 thing verses just doing blogs weekly/almost on the side kind of thing.  I would love that but right now that isn't possible so I will just have to settle for doing it how I am which is weekly.  Lastly,  For my first kyu brown belt,  I ended up not taking the test this time around because I had to take about a month off from training for personal reasons so by the time the test came around, I decided on my own not to take it because I felt I wasn't ready.  I'm still training and prepping for my 1st kyu testing which will probably be at the end of this year.  While I'm writing this,  I feel like I should do a part 3 to this just to see what ends up happening within that time.  Anyways,  I would say overall,  I am happy with what I accomplished within these 3 months!!!
Not only did I accomplish some of the goals I set out for this article but I accomplished something big by just starting this blog in general and everything that comes along with it!  The Facebook page, the Twitter page, the book club I just started which by the way, the author of the book read my article and retweeted me which was kind of a trip!  just everything really and honestly this all happened within the span of less than four months!  And honestly I have a lot more readers than I would expect in that very little bit of time.  Four months is a very short period to have regular readers and I do!  Not only regular readers but it's very international too!  I see all you guys in France, India, The United Kingdom, Germany, Canada and a few other places and everyone in the U.S and I appreciate you guys!!  
You know that saying where they say shoot for the moon and if you miss, at least you land among the stars or something like that?  This moment kind of feels like that but better.  happy Wednesday! and as always.. 

xoxo T  
                          *kisses to my readers*  =)                             

Saturday, April 26, 2014

TrixieLuxx Book Club!!!!!

TrixieLuxx Book Club <3

The other day I thought, if Oprah could have a book club than so could I!!  I was thinking about this for awhile and wondering if I should start it, if I should wait but then I just decided to go ahead and put it out there so I am.  So today Saturday April 26th is the launch of TrixieLuxx: The Book Club!! yaay!! we will start it off with something juicy. The first book to launch my book club with is Baje Fletcher's A Golddiggers Guide.  Here's a look at the cover.  

You may recognize the author from Tv shows and music videos/modeling.  Where I recognized her is from MTV's Paris Hilton's My New BFF.  This was a reality show back in 2008 so people on these shows, you are not invisible lol.  
Anyway, since then she has launched her own business as a life coach and motivational speaker which I personally think is great!  I haven't looked at her site in awhile so I did and noticed she has a 2nd book coming out also but I will focus on a Gold diggers Guide.

A Gold diggers Guide or GOAL Diggers Guide is a self help book for single financial savvy women and I think it's great.  It's also obviously a tip guide for gold digging.  Rules for what to do and what not to do, what works, what doesn't and her personal bad experiences and good experiences shes had while doing it.  There's even a gold diggers kit not to give too much away about the book.  In general, I think it's filled with great tips and is very motivational. 
I will say I don't agree with everything.. but just because you don't agree with everything doesn't mean you should completely turn your back and be un open to what people have to say or at least that's how I feel about things. So I bought it lol. And turns out I loved it. 

This is NOT an article promoting and supporting Gold digging lol.  Well I guess it is promoting it in some ways but I'm anti- gold digging to put my stance out there.  To me, it's a waist of time but everyone has there right to different opinions.

A little about TrixieLuxx's Book Club

Obviously this won't be a stuffy book club like a lot out there.  This is just a fun book club with fun reads.  This book club is bimonthly.  I hope you guys enjoy and buy the book!  It's always good to support other entrepreneur women.  I will have a few links below to where you can purchase it and her website just to get to know the author.  Follow me on twitter and if you buy the book, tweet me a pic!  If any of you would like to discuss anything in the book, tweet me as well and we'll just have a big ol book club discussion on twitter!'

xoxo T

Where to buy a Gold Diggers Guide:  
You can purchase on Barnes & Nobles online, Amazon, or through her personal website.

- Purchase through Barnes & Nobles

-Purchase through Amazon 

- Purchase through her website ->  

Get to know the Author

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- If you would like to see an article on a specific subject, send your request to  

*kisses to my readers*



Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hair Dye [EPIC FAIL] and General RANT!!!

Hair Dye EPIC FAIL =(  and General RANT!! 


Firstly, I apologize for not having a blog last week but once you read on you will see what happened.  So my little sister wanted to try this new thing or what's new to us which is dying your hair with food coloring.  This is suppose to be easy,cheap, non permanent, non toxic.  She asked if I could do it for her and I said ok.  For those following on twitter,  I was out of town all of last week/ took a mini social media hiatus just to take a break from everything.  So the day that I came back we went to 3 different stores to purchase everything she would need for this.. got home. she washed her hair.. I took pictures of all the products.. did some research and then we got on it.  First, I had to Vaseline her edges to protect her skin, (which this didn't do ANYTHING to protect)  second I had to mix the colors to make the color that it is she wanted for her hair which was a certain type of red.  Then I began the applying it part.  At first it seemed pretty easy and not a problem.  About five minutes in, the entire bathroom pretty much looked like a murder scene.  It was just aaawfulll!!!!! AND, after using most of the food coloring, I could just tell it wasn't really working on her hair.  No matter how neat and careful I tried to be, it just got everywhere.  the floor, our clothes, the counter, even in the tub.  It literally looked like a honey boo boo mess.  I just couldn't believe it! We had to clean the whole bathroom up and I kind of let the dye sit for awhile to hopefully have its effect on her hair.  I put a bag around her hair because it was just that messy.  I waited awhile so that maybe it would have time to dry some on it's own but when I took the bag off, it ruined the entire floor again.  I blow dried all her hair out and all of that work and mess added up to a very light tint you could barely see in the sun! lol  Not to mention that for sleeping, it could easily come off on things!! which at the time we didn't think about.  So she had to sleep with a bag around her hair at night to not mess up anything and the next day, Easter Sunday, It got all over her clothes again even though her hair was completely dry.. So it messed up the brand new sweater she was wearing, her pjs, the clothes she was wearing when I put it on, her school clothes.. It was just one GIANT MESS! and I can't stand messy complicated things.  I think it's still coming off as we speak.  Needless to say, I will NEVER do that again! lol and for those reading, word from the wise, never try food color hair dying!!  Ugh!

So now onto other things.. I don't really remember what sparked this exactly but I started thinking, and this kind of goes hand and hand with some people needing to be soo busy that they can't even function for some type of validation. why is it that we need to create appearances? creating appearances includes but isn't limited to {a tidy house, a nice and well put together appearance, hair brushed neatly etc, appearance of working hard, not a lazy person, not a stupid person, not a person who doesn't wake up early in the day, not a person who is incapable in some way.  
I mean, I kind of understand why already but I guess I mean, why does this seem to be SOO important when we all know that it isn't.  It isn't important what time someone wakes up and it isn't important how they fix their hair.  This is one of those same things where if you ask someone on the street again is this important, they would automatically give the correct answer but it's something we seem to not have a grasp of in regular life.   In the grand scheme of things, if you brushed your hair neatly today or if you are a hard working person, it doesn't matter. (you could be bald!) We are souls that are having a life experience and we either go to heaven or hell in the end. And that's it.  In the same way that having a fancy car or fancy job doesn't matter because it's shallow, these things don't matter either and I wish I wouldn't see people place so much importance on them because they matter but they really don't.  They are a secondary thing.  Why is it important to have your house look like it came out of a catalog when people come over? It isn't.  I get wanting to make things pretty but appearances aren't everything.  Why can't people see the real way you keep your house sometimes?  What's wrong with a house that isn't so tidy?  A house is for living in.. I understand maintenance and things like this.  That actually is important.But when secondary things take the place of what actually is important, that's when it's a problem because it's like nothing makes sense anymore and it all becomes meaningless.  The problem with keeping up appearances is that.. it takes a lot of time.. It's a full time job to keep up appearances. And why would someone spend any minute of their life experience, keeping up appearances ie (doing things with no meaning basically) and then you die?  It doesn't make sense.  You should do the things you LOVE and do the things YOU actually VALUE, even if society doesn't value them with you.  Even if society doesn't value you as a person.  A stay at home mother for instance.  I don't even have to go into too much detail but if you value raising your daughter more than being in the corporate world, then you are not a villian for that.  It's sad because as I write this, I know people will agree with it because it only makes sense but then when they go back out into the real world away from the cpu, it's as if this is a foreign language I'm speaking or something.  

This is a little off subject but it reminds me of my brother and sisters dad.  He has his own praying room.  A room designated for prayer only which is beautiful but I know for a fact he has not one spiritual bone in his body.  To quickly give you a taste of who he is, he's in his late 40's, very hard working and that's about it.  He's pretty much like a machine.  Hes also one of those people where appearances were and still are more important than anything else too.  So he has a prayer room now and I know he just goes in there and asks god for things like success and other things he might want and that's it.  He has Meditation on the things that he wants and that is NOT spirituality.  That's sitting in a room and going over a wish list with god hoping you get something.  And actually he's Indian.  I think that is suppose to be the birth place of spirituality and yet I was more spiritual than he is now when I was a teen.  The point is is keeping up appearances and that being the central point of importance in your life is like having this prayer room.  Your sitting in there and yet your doing meaningless things.  And I know one day the world wont be like this.  As we evolve as a society and have more understanding of these things, we will naturally begin to value a stay at home mother as much as we value a corporate woman and we will value a messy girl the same way we value a neat and polished girl.  This was a very random rant.  A very very random one.  I really didn't even know where I was going with this but I hope you enjoy it anyhow.

xoxo T              


Saturday, April 12, 2014

3 Month Anniversary!!!

3 Month Anniversary!!!

Yesterday marked 3 months of Trixieluxx!!!  It's been 3 months since this blog started and this is month 4 that it's been out since it started mid January!  It feels kind of surreal that it's it been 3 whole months already.  In some ways it feels like I can't believe it's been three months already because It feels like I just started.  And then it feels like it's been way longer because it's so much apart of my life that it in someways  it feels like I don't remember how it was before or something in some weird way.  Like life before your smartphone or something lol. I honestly have learned so many things since this journey has started and am soo looking forward to the future!!  I have so many plans as always.  Can't really say too much but there will be some changes to trixieluxx and then there will be a big move that I am really excited about!! ^_^  So stay tuned!!

xoxo T  

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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Koala-T and Review!!! (SEXY BIKINIS 4 SPRING!!!)

Koala-T and Review!!!

Spring is here!  And it is time to swim!!!
For the many of you that are bikini/bathing suit shopping right now, I came across a few sites that are TrixieLuxx approved.  I wanted to blog some sites that have sexy sexy swimwear and yes.. for all body types here! As I've said on previous blogs,  I like fashion that's easy breezy and no thinking.  So I don't review clothing/swimsuits that are complicated and annoying to wear.  These bathing suit picks will be beautiful yet comfortable (so that you can move and have fun) at the same time and not just for the skinny girl, For plus size too! yup. no kmart looking bathing suits with ugly patterns lol.  These are sexy bathing suits so no matter what size you are, you will be hot at the beach!  These sites made me so excited when they were referred to me.  I just love to swim so I am very excited about this review! So let's get into it!!! 

For Petite Girls


The first site is a reeeally cute mini shop online called koala T.  As I did say, This article is for all body types (including petite as well).  Koala T is for petite girl/small to medium framed girls with maybe a little tummy bulge that you might want to cover.  Thee cutest bathing suites!! You will love it!!   
Here are a few of my picks!!

The majority of there bikinis are high waist-ed like this one.  That way it completely or semi covers your tummy while not being completely covered up!  so cute!  This is the first site where I actually have seen bikinis that are like this so it was a great find!!  They do have low waist and string bikinis and one pieces also but there focal point style is the high waist-ed bikini retro feel with a modern twist.


This one was my favorite!  I really love the bottoms on all the bathing suits.  Something about covering your belly button gives your whole look a more classy or modest appearance. Though nothing is wrong with the other way around.  I also like the stringy top so it kind of conceals the middle section while still showing it off if that makes sense.  It seems very comfortable like you can move yet still fun and exciting and beautiful!


  Another high waist-ed I thought was very pretty.  This is there focal point style so if you love it, they have plenty more.  I love it because it just seems very breathable and like you can actually move around and have fun in this.  And because of that, it feels like this care free thing too.  Perfect for spring!!  

They also have some cute tops you can match with a pair of jeans you have in your closet, dresses and rompers which is perfect for spring too! and a few cute accessories.

This floral print romper was one of my favorites too.  Rompers are cool because they have the feeling and easiness of a dress yet the comfort of and carefree way of shorts.  The reason you love a romper the same way you love a dress is because its a one piece and go kind of thing.  Just simple. No thinking involved and you still look gorg!

 Pretty/ classy, simple and fashionable earrings.  So pretty!!  And also very affordable which is another plus.  Absolutely love this site! 

the down side is for the bathing suits specifically, they have this one size fits all kinda thing (that's why I put this site for petites). From personal experience, I know that one size does NOT fit all lol.  It doesn't even make sense.  We are all built different. And there is just nothing worse than something thats ill fitting. But the other clothing sections you can pick your size specifically.  Another down side is the selection choice is small.  But all and all I would still give this site 5 stars!

For Full Figured Girls

The first bathing suite you saw on this article was from here!  So pretty!!  I wanted to find swimsuits that were still sexy bikinis for the full figured girls and one pieces that were sexy, not boring and mom looking bathing suits.  So here are my picks!!

 Obviously my first pic is the one I used as the head of my article.  Just stunning!  I love a leopard print anything really so of course this is my favorite and the cut outs make it creatively exciting and just really sexy!

Absolutely love!! Bikinis for full figured girls! Actually a hard find too. high waist-ed simple and gorgeous!

Hot and more hot!  For the one piece girl. Yep. Yeah. No picnic basket looking bathing suits in my picks!  This is a very sexy one piece halter with the draw strings on the sides which is super cute! 

This one is another pretty one where it seems like you can actually move in it.  Pretty wrap and tied not at the bust and an extra loose fabric to cover any little bulge.  What I like about these bathing suits is they all have shape to them.  They aren't just these big t shirts or square shaped tops with some shorts like you see at a lot of stores.

And lastly the one piece with the cut outs in black!  What I like about online shopping is you can also see what it looks like on so you can better see what it looks like (especially for full figured girls) verses being at a department store.

I hope you enjoyed this article as much as I enjoyed writing it and happy shopping =).  Links below on where you can get everything shown here.  kisses to my readers! Mwa!


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Have a beautiful rest of the weekend!  We only have one life to live so cherish each day!  Don't let one day, even one night slip away from you!  

xoxo T