Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How to B Glam

How to B Glam <3

My Tips and Tricks for being glam <3

Rule #1:  When in doubt, cake face.  One of the easiest ways to "glam up" is makeup.  I think the more the better.  I don't know if make up is the first thing that pops in the mind when someone thinks glamorous but it is definitely always apart of the formula.  Why do you think they call hair and makeup the glam squad?

Rule #2:  Neatly groomed hair.  If your going to fix up your makeup, it's only right that your hair is just as nice.  Between hair and makeup,  makeup is more important.  Hair comes second.  It doesn't really matter how exactly your hair is styled but if I had to choose something, I would say go the simple and neat route.  Simple and especially neat hair makes for a more chic and put together look.  I actually really love messy hair and like to wear my hair messy a lot when i want to feel easy breezy.  Neat hair doesn't necessarily equal glam, but if you have to choose, go neat!

Rule #3:  Nails! This may be a little biased because I love nails!!! I have a thing for that.  I think neatly polished designed nails are the most pretty thing ever.  When I have nice nails, it makes me feel 10x more glam.  I personally suggest the nail shop.  Skip the kits and going to sally's.  Just go to the nail shop.  I've tried it all and that is just the best thing.

Rule #4:  Earrings.  Of all accessories, this is the most important one.  You should never leave the house without earrings unless your going to training or something where you can't wear them.  earrings enhance your appearance x 3.  If you did nothing with yourself and put a pair of earrings on, it will look like you at least did something with yourself.  Do not doubt the power of the earring! lol

And lastly, Did you think I was gonna talk about outfits? lol  I could talk about that and shoes but in some ways those are the least important things.  You should definitely wear nice clothes and shoes if you want to feel glam but they are secondary to everything else i mentioned.  You can be glam in jeans and a muscle shirt.  If you have nice make up and nails and hair, it wont really matter what kind of dress you wear really.  But if you have a really pretty dress, all the better lol.

What is GLAM?

All my rules to glam were more about the outer appearance but REAL glam is an internal thing.  If your not glam from the heart, then your not glam.  Glam from an exterior perspective can seem like it's about money and glamorous living but true glam isn't.  A real glamorous person is glam even if they are walking off the bus wearing a trash bag lol.  It's a heart thing.  Money isn't glam, it's more like a vehicle for it if that makes sense.  Glam is a love for life thing.  It's appreciation and being a fabulous person!

I hope you enjoyed reading this article about being a glamorous & fabulous gal.  I thoroughly enjoyed writing it and am very happy to share my tips!


My new weekly articles will be on MONDAY from now on.  It works better for the time being and I thought it would be a good way to start the week!  Also, if you didn't know, TrixieLuxx is now on instagram!! =) I'm in love with it! I think I'm all over all the social medias now lol so yay! Follow me there if you haven't!

xoxo T

My Links <3 

- Like The TrixieLuxx Like Page for all my fashion/beauty posts and the latest blogs from me! > https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trixie-Luxx-Like-Page/384140871725566?ref=profile

-My Twitter - @TrixieLuxx - www.twitter.com/trixieluxx  

- If you would like to see an article on a specific subject, send your request to trixieluxx@gmail.com

- Don't forget to like, comment and share! 





Saturday, August 9, 2014

StoryTime!!! Food4Less (The Gold Chain Story)

StoryTime!!! Food4Less ( The Gold Chain Story)

     Hello Everyone!  I am here with another StoryTime!!  So I just have to say, almost every time I've been to Food4Less, something bizarre happens to me.  When I tell others my stories, they can't even believe that it happened.  It will literally be the craziest stuff or just something odd or that looks like it's out of a movie or something.  Like, this stuff does not happen to people I swear.  It's not food4less, It's my life.  I think it's just me.  I attract strange experiences.  I realize this now and am just use to it.  But specifically, almost every time I been to food4less, strange shit happens.  So let me just get into the story.

I was at food4less and I really had to go pee.  I never pee at the market but I had to go soo bad that I felt like I was gonna explode. So I just decided to go ahead and go to the bathroom.  I went to the restroom and got into the stall.  As soon as I sat down, another lady came into the bathroom and got into the stall right to the left of mine.  It was fucking disgusting.  I heard all these noises coming outta there.  Grunting, moaning.  I heard some splashes coming outta there.  Farting, and her saying "oh god".  Then she started talking to ME!... She knocked on my stall and was like "hello?".. "excuse me".  I was like "yes?"... LOL.  Then she REACHED her hand under my stall.. for a second I was thinking maybe she needed some toilet paper.  Then she was like.. you wanna buy a gold chain? and tossed the chain into my stall!  I'm sittin on the toilet and the chain landed directly in front of me!  Obviously this lady was crazy but I've encountered a lot of crazy people in my childhood and life and have a certain mechanism for dealing with it. Basically I talk with them as if this odd behavior is normal. I told her no thank you and then she started telling me different details about the chain.  I said no thank you again and then she like.. "oh.alright then" and reached BACK into my stall and grabbed the chain and just took it back! lmaooo!  I was sitting there like.. what the fuck! lol 

I didn't say this out loud, but I was sitting there thinking.. Uum... number 1, that is NOT the way to be selling stuff! and 2, this is not the place! We're at Food4Less!.... We can't even buy high quality food.. What makes you think were tryna buy accessories! lol. 

Idk..lol. Does this stuff happen to other people?  Has this ever happened to you?  Just odd shit! But I guess it makes for a good story. lol

I hope you have a great Saturday & great weekend!  Try to enjoy it the best you can and COMPLETELY forget about work/school and aaaalll these things you just have to do!  Completely be immersed in the now and enjoy it!

Happy Saturday! =)  

xoxo T <3  



Monday, August 4, 2014

Fuse Gelnamel Starter Kit

Fuse Gelnamel Starter Kit!

Hi Everyone!  I hope everyone is having a great and productive Monday thus far.  I just wanted to quickly review a kit I tried from CVS called the Fuse Gelnamel starter kit and give you the pros and cons and all the deets about the product so if you've ever been interested in doing gel self manicures, read below!  

So there's a new kit at CVS for girls who love gel!  I looove gel nails!  All I ever use is gel so of course I'd be curious.  Here's a peak inside 

What you get:

* The gel polish *Cleanser
* a small nail file
*Mini UV box & charger 

So a 5 piece kit for 14.99.  Not too bad I think, considering it's reusable and should last you.  After a few uses it pays for itself basically. 

How it works: 

You simply paint your nails with the gel paint and put each finger in the UV individually and once it's dry, your done!


The price is a pro because it's a system you can use again and again.  After a few times of using it, you'll have already saved money that would have been spent at the nail shop.  The paints are really pretty and they have a good size selection also.  Also, this paint doesn't chip!  It shouldn't, it's gel after all but I thought I'd mention that.  


  There may still be a tackiness to the paint after doing this only once.  You may have to do it twice but once it's set, it's set.  Also, this gel formula is not as strong as gel paints at the nail shop.  I've noticed a lot of products you can buy from beauty supplies etc (when you want to do something yourself) are never really up to par with the nail shop so there's that.  It isn't exactly the same but still really good.  Also, obviously this is more time consuming since you can only do one finger at a time verses all 10 at once.  I kind of like that it's individual like that and that you aren't putting your entire hands into a UV box.  I actually kind of like that but in the end, it's still a con because it takes maybe triple the time than it would to dry.

Overall feeling of the product: 

I think that it's a really good product.  For girls that can't have acrylics because of your job, this is a good option for you to still have some strength to your nails and to keep them nice. Budgetnistas; If you can't afford the nail shop right now, this is a good kit for you!   For girls who like the gel but don't really like the nail shop, this is for you and creative girls, this is for you too.  It really just depends on what you like. 

I hope you enjoyed this review! 

xoxo T

*NEW article every Saturday* 

I always announce on twitter when things change up as they did this week so follow me on twitter! @trixieluxx 
