I can't staaaand when people say omg, im so busy doing this, im so busy doing that.. but before I get into it, just an intro. So as you know, my blog isn't just about oh here's, this beauty product,and oh, here's this beauty site though this is a beauty blog. On my blog, I talk about a number of things but as I've said on twitter, I didn't just start this blog to share beauty products though it is a passion of mine.. I started it to share my life.
So back to what this is really about. I haate when people are like, oh yeah, I'm so busy with this and soo busy with that.. what might be more accurate is I hate when people wear this as a badge of honor and act like they are so valuable for being busy. Now as I say this, it's almost like 2+2.. yeah. that's right. I agree with that because it makes sense. If someone asks anyone on the street does being busy make you a more valuable person, they would probably say no because that sounds right, but in actual life, it's like we dont know that as a society. And this isn't something people just have a conversation about so noone is gonna ask you this but in reality, it's literally like we have no grasp of that. I also hate how reality tv glamorizes being so busy that you feel like your gonna explode. Something new has to always be happening. You have to be doing bigger and better things. Big changes always have to be taking place.Snookie is an example of that. Dont get me wrong. I love her but that is a prime example.And side note, though she looks great with the weight loss and is doing big things, didn't she look happier when she was the "drunken mess" girl with weight issues and "bad fashion" that alot of girls including me actually liked? & THAT is what built her empire, not whatever she's doing now. She just seemed more real, and happy and carefree. I remember watching this one reality show, I don't even remember who the lady was and it's already cancelled lol but someone in hollyweird and I remember her talking about all the things she has to do while she was being driven somewhere and I just remember her looking sooo stressed to the point of not being able to function. She looked so wired and stressed that I'm positive that all these "things" she just had to do, she wouldn't even be able to handle or function in a productive way because she's already too overwhelmed. I actually GUARANTEE she won't be productive. I know a thing or two or three lol about things like this. she's just riding somewhere and feeling stressed and hating life. I'm sorry but I would rather live a "boring" and "invaluable" life if it means I can actually ENJOY my life. Even if it means I'm not doing big things.. so be it. Like ice cube said on the wendy show, in hollywood, people always have to be doing bigger and better things, but sometimes things are good as is and I applaud that statement. I happen to be a person that has BIG dreams.VERY BIG. but it's like, what if I didnt? Why does having big dreams make someone valuable? It actually doesn't. That's called brainwash. It's different if you got things to do and you actually are busy. It's the thinking that it just makes you soo valuable now. That it makes me value the day that you had. Granted I do understand that when someone asks you how your day was and your like good and they asked you what you did, and your like nothing, I can see how that looks like dullsville and no one wants to look like that but it's like SO WHAT you know. Someonetimes people need days like that of nothingness. Didn't fix your hair or put makeup on? Didnt do something "productive" with your day? so what. That's why childhood is such a beautiful thing. Not because you were kid, because you had days of nothingness. Some days are like that and some days, you DO just need to have to yourself.. that isnt a crime. I think the problem with the adult world, or maybe one em because we have many is we don't allow ourselves days like that enough. We dont allow ourselves days to do nothing and days to be "not productive". We don't allow days to just relax and just live without the confines of a work place and school and errands and such and then when we have a day of doing nothing, we treat it like a crime. We treat it like it's the worst thing ever sometimes and then we beat ourselves up so we can't even enjoy it! Everyday doesn't have to be productive, productive, productive. We aren't machines! For those that say they don't have the time, that's a whole different article and argument lol. But I will say that having at least one day of nothingness in your week or once every two weeks, I garautee will make you a more productive person anyway.
anyways... that was my little rant..if you haven't guessed yet, this is a day that got away from me lol. but F that. It happened by mistake and I WILL NOT beat myself up for it. I will enjoy today as if it is the best day ever!! =) and you know what.. it is because it is a day that god made. It actually feels theraputic to put this on the web and maybe someone will gain something positive from it. I'm about to go have this top ramen lol that's actually bomb.com. felt like doin this bonus blog today and I hope you guys enjoy and have a great rest of the day. As always..
follow me on twitter for more rants, random tweets and just my life: www.twitter.com/trixieluxx
Connect with me on Facebook for all updates, shares, videos etc..: www.facebook.com/trixie.luxx
xoxo T
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