How to get over any guy in 3 days =)
(No Stupid BS articles here)
If your dealing with a broken heart at this moment, worry no longer because this article should give you all the tools you need to solve the problem and quickly! I've developed a few tips over time and I've decided to compile them for you here!
So let's do dis!
Trixie's Tips
Tip #1 - Stop self neglect (Re focus back on yourself). I'd say usually in these cases when any girl is that sad and that heartbroken, it's because she completely forgot about herself without knowing and has her complete focus on him. To ever have your complete focus on someone else and not yourself is completely unhealthy and it's a very big reason why there's a feeling of pain inside you. You have been self neglecting for so long and now its taken it's tole. The body is a beautiful thing. It makes sure and LET'S YOU KNOW when you are not treating it right, whether it be bad food, not being active enough, wallowing in self pity, it let's you know. In the same way that when you get a headache or something like this, it's your body letting you know something is out of balance. Maybe you need to drink more water, sleep etc to re-balance yourself. This is exactly the same. Your body is simply giving you a sign that things are out of balance.
Tip #2 -Don't take anything personally. - Nothing is a personal thing, therefore you should never take anything personally even though it indeed does seen personal. What ever he's done (whether it be rejecting you, cheating on you etc) has nothing to do with you and everything to do with him. Taking it personally is a sign of insecurity at the root. Some can say, but trixie, I am a very confident woman.., I love myself.., I've BEEN through heartache before and have HAD my time alone etc etc. At the root, if you took it personally, it's still insecurity and you need even MORE self reflection.
Tip #3 - Work through your insecurities. - At this time, you need complete time alone to have for thinking. A big reason people don't want to be alone is it distracts them from all their real issues. Do not be afraid and face it! Face all the things you've been hiding from. Him being in your life was a crutch for dealing with your life and I'm here to tell you you don't need a crutch in your life! You are stronger than this! Don't be sad because you don't have a crutch to deal with your life anymore. If he's gone, good riddance girl! (and this is no offense to guys. Especially the good ones out there) He may not even be a bad guy, it's just, he's obviously not meant for your life anymore or at this time so that's why it's good riddance. Also, there's no such thing as bad riddance lol. You are strong enough to deal with it on your own! Here's an analogy that may cheer you up. Have you ever broken a leg before? You had to have a cast and a crutch to get around at that time and this crutch helped you because it was designed for that purpose right? It was suppose to help you not put weight on a weak and healing leg yes? But once your leg heals, what happens? You need to stop using this crutch. Why? Because what would happen if you kept using this crutch? The leg that was healing would soon become weak again and eventually disabled because you weren't using it. My mom broke her finger and had a cast on it not to long ago. It was on for awhile and once she took it off after the bone healed, not only did her finger loose mobility, her ring finger lost partial mobility just being next to it. This happened because her fingers forgot how to move and had to re learn again which is why people go to therapy for things like this which is to get use to moving the muscles so that they are able to use them again. So MOVE or be paralysed! Harsh but just the truth. Tough love if you will lol. I'm here to tell you that you are much stronger than you think!
Tip #4 - Out of sight, Out of mind. - Now it's time to play the avoiding game. Avoid him as much as possible. But with this, you are doing it for yourself and not for him. There's is no need to play games with boys. If you are doing this, you are just wasting your time and nothing more. Don't see him or try to run into him on accident. This is a time to keep to yourself and your best friends and family. If this seems like dullsville to you, there's your problem right there. You need to fix your life in such a way that keeping to yourself doesn't seem like the worst thing ever and now you don't have any excitement anymore. If he was your source of excitement, then it's good he's gone because now you can grow as a person and develop excitement in your life on your own.
Tip #5 - No fantasizing girls! - It doesn't help that your trying to not see him but all the while its like your seeing him all day in your mind. If you thought a fantasy couldn't hurt, it does. So no more fantasizing. This includes but is not limited to; (sex, sexual things, romantic things, kissing etc, thinking about having conversations, nothing) If this is your source of excitement? Again, that is right where the problem lies. Cant control your thoughts? Wrong. You CAN. You may not be able to control what pops in your head but you can control whether you choose to think on it or not. When a thought comes into your head, immediately dismiss it! Don't even give it a chance! And that's how it's done.
And there you have it.
You will be over him in no time! And you will be a better woman from it! Don't waist this day crying tears over a guy who was just there to teach you a few lessons. Learn the lessons and start loving life!
xoxo T
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