Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Why we get nervous (and then why we try to hide it)

Why we get nervous 

So today I went to class and we ended up being surprised with a kind of mini portfolio show.  I got very nervous right away for a number of reasons.  One.  She didn't tell us that this was gonna happen so I came dressed in some basketball shorts and just looking a mess. Two.  I wasn't prepared mentally or otherwise.  I had to go print and cut  very quickly before class and just the whole process was a stressful thing. But it got me thinking.  Why DO we get nervous/ get anxiety in situations like this and similar ones hence the title and also, why do we have this strong feeling to hide it?

Before I answer these questions, I wanna tell you guys just a little about myself.  I have this weird habit of obsessively over thinking things like this and other things in the world and I will literally think about these things until I tire myself and then at the end of the day, I realize that all of that thinking didn't really accomplish much in the real world lol.  I just spent alot of time thinking.  I will literally spend an hour drive thinking through things like this and come to conclusions and answers and that's just what I do and what I've always done.  I don't think I could help myself even if I wanted to lol but anyways, back to the real topic at hand.  

Generally when we feel [any] type of feeling, it serves some sort of purpose.  So you are feeling that thing to serve some kind of purpose.  The purpose will differ from person to person. Boredom is another feeling we feel and is very annoying actually and then we wonder why on earth did we have to go through this 2 hour phase of feeling bored to death before we found something to get into and the answer to this is the same.  We have the bored feeling because it serves a purpose or purposes. Boredom is usually a feeling you will experience when a change needs to occur or you need to experience something new which makes complete sense when you think about it because without that bored feeling, you wouldn't be motivated to create change in your routine and then you would live the same monotonous day everyday but would feel nothing about it so therefore it will never change. And with living the same day everyday with rare new experiences, you won't evolve as a person and learn new things.  But back to the feeling of being nervous.  We get nervous so that it serves some type of purpose we individually need.. and directly after, though you may or may not feel a change, you've already become a stronger or changed individual from it.  So it isnt just this uncomfortable or horrible feeling with absolutely no purpose or point. 

feeling nervous is such a normal human feeling as we know and there's no real reason to be ashamed of it either.  So why do people desperately try to hide this feeling from others? 

The answer to keep it short is that we feel inferior for having the feeling so therefore, we quickly try to mask it away and act like it isn't there.  Not only do we [feel] inferior, technically in that moment, its like we are because we are also looked at as [inferior].  It's like once you decide to feel anxious/nervous, you step into a world of being looked at as inferior and viewing your own self as inferior as well though it shouldn't be this way.  It IS a normal human feeling after all.    Why is feeling nervous/anxious looked at as inferior?  Because in a way it is.  If you think about it, feeling nervous and anxious and trying to do something just isn't efficient.  It isn't an efficient way to walk into a room, an efficient way or it isn't the [best] way to talk to clients or to people so therefore is viewed as lower rank.  And that's also why confidence is viewed as so sexy.  It's the exact opposite of this and is high rank.And you guessed it, that's why feeling anxiety and nervousness is UNattractive because it is the exact opposite of confidence!  So there you have it.  A brief article about why we get nervous and an explanation of why we try to hide it. So when you see people on their iphones or trying to distract themselves from their nervous feelings or are trying to front and  show everyone that they are fine and not nervous, you know why and perhaps it won't be so annoying to see for some because you understand the root of it. 

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xoxo T   




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