So I ordered the book curvy and loving it and read it cover to cover in like the span of two days! I love this book! The best way to describe this book is it's a book that makes you feel love and acceptance of yourself but not by societies standards.. and not even by your own standards. It's a book about having a 'unconditional' kind of love for yourself. I do think that many people love themselves but not many love themselves unconditionally. I've always been a thicker girl and recently have put a little more on due to life stresses etc and this was just a really really good book to read right now in my life. I love how it preaches to love yourself for today! True happiness comes from loving yourself right at this moment. Not when life is better and when your in better shape. Not when you have more muscle mass or when you trimmed down some or are up in life financially or anything. I think it's an important message to young girls and even just women in general because you could be waiting a few months but you also could potentially be waiting forever.. And the more you live life, the more it feels like, I can't even wait one more second! And if I can't even wait one more second, I sure as hell can't wait some months! heck no!
This book has inspired me to write a few articles on this subject also because I'm just feeling it and feel inspired =)
I won't do chapter by chapter stuff so no spoilers here. Just know it's a fantastic book and you will feel a love for yourself that was stronger than before you read the book. You can never get enough of self love. <3
I just want to leave young girls with this message regarding beauty standards.
The beauty standard is bullshit! Not only that, it's ever changing so there is no pleasing it. If you look at the beauty standard just even a decade ago it was so different. If you look at the beauty standard in a different country, it's not even the same. In Africa, voluptuous women are pretty but also preferred. When I asked someone why from here they told me it was because that kind of woman has everything she needs and can afford to eat well and take care of herself. In Africa, THAT is a sign of beauty. I suppose in places where there is a lack, the beauty would obviously be someone without lack while here in Los Angeles that isn't the case. Here in L.A where we live in abundance so to speak (regardless if the U.S is in dept or not) beauty becomes something different because of it. Now beauty becomes self control so if your a voluptuous women here, it means out of control and not able to control herself rather than I have means to take care of myself which is funny. And that's just one example. But it shows that beauty isn't really a visual thing. It's what we think these visual things "mean". But I will tell you what real beauty is. Real beauty is Happiness. Real beauty is Wisdom. Real beauty is a Love for God. Real beauty is a smile. A smile is the most beautiful thing a woman can wear..
I definitely will write more articles on this subject because I feel so inspired to put this out into the world =)
Happy Thursday Night everyone!
xoxo T
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