UPDATES Blog!!! <3
Hey Everyone!!! Today is gonna be an updates blog on just a few little changes with trixieluxx & with me!
I feel like my blog has kind of been all over the place in the past few weeks. After a lot of time and consideration, I've decided to put a little bit of a hold on the book club. =[ I just feel right now isn't really the best time for it so it's not banished into non existence but rather just put on the back burner for the time being. =] I did write a recent book review though before I put it to the back burner called curvy and loving it which I love! It's a book on unconditional love for yourself basically. If you want to check it out, It's the post right before this one. Also, I got a gym membership! lol. For those whose read my article about dress shopping and going up some sizes, you know what I'm talking about already lol. I haven't been to the gym in a very long time. Like maybe some years.. I've been the type to just do healthy things on my own and I train at my dojo or I create a ghetto style gym at my house with can weights etc.. lol But lately I've been feeling that I wanted to go back so now I am and I really like it! There is soo much new equipment and things they have. Its kinda crazy really. Like things I never heard of. I'm trying to learn a comfortable balance for myself at the moment so we'll see how that goes. Uum.. yes. Also, after much consideration, I've decided to go ahead and make this somewhat of a lifestyle blog also. It kind of already is in some ways. I think this way, I can just write about whatever I feel like writing about without having to box myself in. So basically there will be more variety on here I guess. Variety and Fun! lol. Yes. My life is so exciting. Also, no more monthly countdown kind of blogs. If you noticed, they've stopped already. I'll just do that on my twitter from now on. I feel a good change coming or trixieluxx!!.. This is month 7 of being a blogger also! wow.. Time just flys. Seriously. It's past the half year mark already. I definitely have to have a celebration at the actual year mark. And I think that's all the updates. I will be writing a body confidence article or two to look out for or something about beauty standards and what real beauty is like I touched on in my book review. So look out for those! and Happy Saturday!!!
xoxo T
New Article Every Saturday <3
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