Are Dreams/Nightmares real??
Are dreams real? Are nightmares real? Better yet, are thoughts real when you believe them to be true regardless if they actually are or not?
Last night I had a nightmare. It was a horrible nightmare that I won't get into because I don't even remember it in detail. It's funny. I don't remember a lot of it but I just remember how horrible it "felt" and also how REAL it felt. That makes sense because I've heard we don't remember things necessarily but we remember the way we feel.
Anyways it got me to thinking if things are real if they felt real to us. Like if I had a dream that i was walking the edge of a cliff that was very high and I was trying to keep my balance, did I really experience that to a degree?
I remember a long time ago when I lost my dog. I wrote about it in my valentines day post. If you didn't read it, don't worry, I found him and none of this actually happened. But when I was searching for him in the street, I found a dead animal flattened to the ground that looked exactly like him with the same color collar/fur and everything. I saw it from a distance. A big thing I was afraid of was that he could get hit by a car because hes so small. When I saw that from a distance, I remember feeling like for sure that was my dog. I was almost 100% sure of it and because of that, in seconds I already started feeling like I lost my dog. I remember feeling my body reacting to it. My heart stopped literally. I started feeling tears in the back of my eyes. My eyes got really big. I didn't even notice to care I was standing in the middle of the street and for that short period, that was my reality if that makes sense. That happened to me. When I was able to get closer and realize it WASN'T actually my dog, this HUGE sense of relief came over me. It felt like this whole chemical thing I went through. After all, the things themselves aren't even things by themselves. Its the way it makes us feel you know? So it made me wonder are all the things we feel and all the things we think and all the dreams we dream a reality in it's own way. I think to a certain extent that they are. If I had a dream that I was walking naked in the street and everyone saw me and then I went and did that in real life, I honestly think it would feel like a second experience in a way.
This is kind of just a random rambling. I literally woke up and turned on the computer and just started writing. By the way, I wrote a fantastic blog last night that was soo long and blogger erased it...... >=[ what the heck blogger?? I tweeted that to them too. It's annoying because that is the second time that happened to me. I will save and save and then it won't save... It makes me nervous that it will even just erase what I'm typing now so I'm paranoid to post in a way. I need to make sure I contact them about that but I will rewrite that post for sure! I just wanted to write was I was feeling this morning before I start my day.
Anyways. Happy Tuesday morning. I hope it is happy and productive for you!
xoxo T
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