Saturday, May 24, 2014

Nicki Minaj: The Pink Print (Anticipation)

Nicki Minaj: The Pink Print (Anticipation)


"The Music Industry is merely a representation of human nature.  It shines light on what's different to learn and take from it and once there's nothing left to take, it moves on with no regard."   

"Every single mainstream artist that ever was was not "just" a person making music or just a commodity.  They are a movement.. and are something WAY bigger than themselves whether they are aware of it or not."  


"When I heard some recent music, the feeling I got collectively was there is this no holding back kind of feeling.  It feels like this is specifically about art.  It feels like vanity out the window,  punchlines and radio friendliness out the window,and also male friendliness out the window."

So this article today is about the upcoming release of the album "The Pink Print" from Nicki Minaj.  I was in the car and I hear " I still love, I still love, I still love, I still love, I still lo o oove" on the radio! lol.  Had no idea it was Nicki Minaj until I hear Big Boy and her having an interview saying that this was her NEW single.  Right away I was like, OK, this Saturdays article MUST be about this new album!  It took me a minute to put this together because I had to do my research you know.  So this Saturday has been Nicki Minaj'd out with all her new music, articles, recent interviews to see what she's saying about this new album.  

First, I'll just say that I loove this title!  I love the name The Pink Print because it reminds me of The Blue Print. What it makes me feel is that this album will have A LOT of information on it and a no holding back kind of feeling about it.  When I heard some recent music, the feeling I got collectively was there is this no holding back kind of feeling also.  It feels like this is specifically about art.  It feels like vanity out the window, punchlines and radio friendliness out the window, and also male friendliness out the window.  I think that it's an interesting direction and I can't wait till it actually drops to hear more music and also see how the public responds to it.  In recent interviews she's said the album is a stripped kind of feeling.  She also said all the stories on the album are 100% true!  So I'm excited to hear what she talks about!    

Honestly,  I am a Nicki fan and not just because I like her songs.  I am a Nicki fan because I like to see women like her in the industry.  Even if I didn't like her music, I feel like I would still like Nicki Minaj the celebrity and business woman if that makes sense.  I like to see women like her and women she's paved the wave for like Iggy Azalea and others that aren't even in the same form of entertainment.  I like to see the things she does and what she's planning to do next in her music career.  It's sad because we are in a generation where it's sooo unbelievably fast paced in some ways and we just hear something or see something and discard it afterwards.  We love artists and then we don't.. and for some reason at this time, there is no such thing as recognizing someones talent and accomplishments.  This especially goes for mainstream people.  It's like if someone is mainstream, they all of a sudden are talent-less and are just a commodity because they do commercial things to appeal to the mass ie you.  Why is someone talent-less because they do things that appeal to you?  ..

I personally would never want to be in the music industry for a number of reasons and that is one of them.  I'll stick to makeup and graphic design thank you very much lol.  There is no winning in that kind of game.  It HAS to be about just the art in the end.  Celebrities of today are in such a different ball game than those of the past.  I don't think the people in music in the past would get any of their recognition if they were in the same music industry but in today's time.

Anyway, I am excited for her new album nonetheless! ^_^ and of course I will be supporting my girl because that's what women should do!  Even if you don't like her music, you should just support other entrepreneur women.. as I always say.  So I will be lookin out for the Pink Print and possibly do an album review right here on TrixieLuxx!  

                                           xoxo T

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