Saturday, May 10, 2014

How to be Productive and Happier

How to be Productive & Happier

 So I was watching another TED Talks on Netflix and I came across this guy who was talking about his theory on how to be more productive and how to attain happiness and success.  In short, he says in order to be productive or successful, you need to be happy first.. which is kind of the opposite of how we generally operate.  The way we think is, if I work harder then I'll be successful and if 
I'm successful, then I'll be happy.  This concept is in our parenting styles, the way we manage style, and the way we motivate our behavior and he says the problem with that is that it is scientifically broken and backwards for 2 reasons:

 1st, Every time your brain has a success, you just change the goal post of what success is.  If you got good grades, now you have to get better grades.  You got a job?.. Now you have to get a better job.  You have money?.. Now you have to get more money. You hit your sells target?.. Now we have to change your sells target and so on.  So if happiness is on the opposite side of success, your brain never gets there.

2nd, Our brains work in the opposite order from this.  The way our brains work is if you can raise someones optimism and happiness in the present, they perform drastically better and then success naturally follows.  Intelligence, creativity, and energy all rise and because of this, you become more productive!  

Dopamine which floods the system when your positive has 2 functions.  Not only does it make you happy but it turns on all the learning centers in your brain.  Basically, he says to reverse the formula for happiness and success by training your brain to be positive.  That's basically it.  Change your brain to be positive and the rest should follow.  The next question would be, well how do you do that?  The answer is by working on it.  
We work on everything else don't we?  Looks, Health, Money, Intelligence but not Happiness, the one thing we truley always wanted.  But don't worry.. He put together a list of things that will train your brain to be more positive. 

1. Write down (3) things your grateful for everyday over a (21) day period.  This should retain a pattern of scanning the world for the positive first.  
2.  He also recommends writing about one positive experience you had in the day.  Writing about a positive experience allows your brain to relive it.  
3. Exercise.  He says exercise teaches your brain that your behavior matters. 
4.  Random acts of kindness.  I think just doing things for others is like asking to be happy yourself.  That's why they say its better to give than it is to recieve. 
5.  Meditation.  When you meditate and slow things down, you can watch your thoughts and understand them better which eliminates confusion and then worry.  I look at it as creating a balance mentally though I don't really meditate like that myself I do understand it.  What exercise does for the exterior, I would think meditation does for the interior in a way.
This list is a very generic list and doesn't need to necessarily be followed.  It's more like a starting point or a point of reference kind of thing.  Everyone works differently in my opinion and you know what works for you.  If you don't , you can try following this list but if you do, don't feel obligated to start writing and making sure you noticed 3 things everyday for a total of 21 days if you dont want to.  You have to do what you like or you wont stick to it anyway.  

But I thought his whole theory of how we should go about success and happiness is spot on.  I know from personal experience that this is a real teaching because just looking back on my experiences, I either see how it's true or how it applies and have seen it work with my own eyes before even hearing this theory.  It just makes common sense.  So give it a try.  The next time your trying to get something done or are concerned with success happening right now in a frantic way, take a step back and regroup, find something to get positive about, find something to be optimistic about and go back to work with a renewed mind.

xoxo T

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