Putting it out into the Universe Part 2. <3

Three months ago I wrote a blog entitled putting it out into the universe. I wanted to put on the internet and just put out into the world some things I was working on and wanted to be accomplished or at least be closer to accomplishing within 3 months time. That blog was written in the beginning of my quarter this year. The list was to have together my portfolio, to get through my quarter which is just all of my final classes including all the prep for my portfolio show, to do my testing for my first kyu brown belt, a new design job, and the last is kind of a two in one which was a new laptop and a specific software suite that I had been wanting for a few years now. I don't know if that's a lot or not but yeah those were my goals. So now to reveal what actually happened lol.
If you follow on twitter which I always say because I guess I share everything on there and all my updates and whats happening with me ends up being on there first or just there just because its easier for me. Anyways, If you do, you've probably seen a few pics and heard me say some things which gave some of it away but firstly I'll share that I passed all my classes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I can say I will officially be a graduate of 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mentioned in my last blog how big of a deal this was for me so yeah. I'm very very proud of myself for that!!! I guess I will mention what actually came into fruition and then what didn't lol. So that happened so obviously I finished my portfolio too which was soo stressful at the time. I'm just thankful it's aaall over. Part of getting things together for the end of the quarter for graduating students (which I didn't know when writing the last blog) was that not only did you have to make a final portfolio, we also needed a design website and business cards and that we were actually participating in the portfolio show!! So I made my business cards, my portfolio, did my portfolio show and my design website which is online right now! It was stressful at the time because it was a very short amount of time to get all that together + my regular classes/projects but I did it!! So I'm happy about that! Then the next was my computer. I was looking around for a computer for a little while and if you follow me on twitter you've already seen pics but I'm in love! It was very important to me that my computer was pink. I know that's silly but yeah, so I got my pink laptop that actually comes with a Photoshop elements which is kind of cool. I use CS6, but if all else fails, then at least I have something. For the software I decided that I don't want that suite anymore and am thinking about just finding one or two software's for cheap and just using those. This year I also had been applying for freelance gigs around along with design jobs. My goal was to have a regular 9 to 5 design job with a good company or that still is my goal because it's more concrete than freelance which sad to say I didn't get yet but I did get a few freelance gigs so I'm actually happy with that and I'm still trying for something so we will just see what happens. I guess ideally I would write to you guys everyday for a living. I would have that be my everyday 9 to 5 thing verses just doing blogs weekly/almost on the side kind of thing. I would love that but right now that isn't possible so I will just have to settle for doing it how I am which is weekly. Lastly, For my first kyu brown belt, I ended up not taking the test this time around because I had to take about a month off from training for personal reasons so by the time the test came around, I decided on my own not to take it because I felt I wasn't ready. I'm still training and prepping for my 1st kyu testing which will probably be at the end of this year. While I'm writing this, I feel like I should do a part 3 to this just to see what ends up happening within that time. Anyways, I would say overall, I am happy with what I accomplished within these 3 months!!!
Not only did I accomplish some of the goals I set out for this article but I accomplished something big by just starting this blog in general and everything that comes along with it! The Facebook page, the Twitter page, the book club I just started which by the way, the author of the book read my article and retweeted me which was kind of a trip! just everything really and honestly this all happened within the span of less than four months! And honestly I have a lot more readers than I would expect in that very little bit of time. Four months is a very short period to have regular readers and I do! Not only regular readers but it's very international too! I see all you guys in France, India, The United Kingdom, Germany, Canada and a few other places and everyone in the U.S and I appreciate you guys!!
You know that saying where they say shoot for the moon and if you miss, at least you land among the stars or something like that? This moment kind of feels like that but better. happy Wednesday! and as always..
xoxo T
*kisses to my readers* =)
You know that saying where they say shoot for the moon and if you miss, at least you land among the stars or something like that? This moment kind of feels like that but better. happy Wednesday! and as always..
xoxo T
*kisses to my readers* =)
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