Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Happy St. Valentine's day Readers!!! mwa!!!

Happy St. Valentine's Day Readers!!!

Happy Vday to Relationship & Single girls alike!!!!  But especially to the single girls just because you all are probably the one reading this lol.  I feel you! If your feeling alone, fear not because you got TrixieLuxx!  If you are reading this, lean close into the screen. closer.. little closer..

Mwa! Virtual kisses to you lol. just a little creepy love for my readers who are alone this valentine's day. 

 Anyways I wanted to share a personal story with you today.  3 years ago February 2011,I came home from school as I normally do and noticed my dog.. (by the way, I have a little chihuahua by the name of jesse) didn't greet me at the door barking all crazy like he normally does.  So I called around and I didn't hear anything.  I started looking around some.  Still didn't hear anything.  Went outside to the back  and still didn't see anything.  At this point I started frantically looking and calling for him. and then.. I noticed that the door on the side was left open!..  I found out my little doggie was gone {=,(..  For those of you who are dog owners, you know how tragic this is!  I immediately started walking all around the neighborhood.  I walked around for 6 hours. no jokes. I know that may be crazy to some but not to the people who look at dogs like family. My dog is like my child so I didn't even feel the hours.  I just felt the pain of not having my dog anymore.  I looked everywhere till it was dark and there was just no sign of him.  Before I go further.  My dog is like the perfect dog.  When I first got him at the pet shop, I held every dog and actually he wasn't the first dog I picked up or even the cutest but when I held him, the way he came up to me was like this is my family!  It was a weird and crazy thing!  It's kind of hard to fully explain through type or even words.  It was like destiny or something lol.  And when I first held him, I promise you, the way he licked my hands was like the way he does now.  Like he just loved me to death without even knowing me.  It was a crazy experience. (I just kind of gave away that there is a very happy ending to this story but keep reading)

 So that day I looked for him till dark.  When I came home I was exhausted and in so much pain because in my head at that point, he was gone.. There was a hair chance that I was going to find my dog because a million things could have happened and I definitely assumed the worse. But of course I didn't give up.  I directly went home and made flyers (with color and with a picture that was as clear as day).  I didn't just make somethin that you see on the road and don't even notice.  It was something that made you stop and look.  My design classes didn't go to waist.lol  I made like 100 flyers and the next day I went literally everywhere and posted the flyers.  I also didn't post them on just poles on the side.  I posted them in places where if you lived in my area, you would know there is a dog missing somewhere. Cross sections.  In apartment buildings by the mailbox. Stores. Even on the back of my car. I know, I was a crazy woman lol. Also by atms  I even posted it in the Mcdonalds drive thru.  I had no shame! lol.  I didn't just post.  I went knocking door to door.  I went to the pound more than once a day.  I also called the pound telling them, I saw a stray that looked like so and so knowing it wasn't a stray.  I wanted them to look for my dog as well!  I even had a checklist of all the places I looked and all the places I wanted to look.  I was so determined! But still very heartbroken. Everyday when I came home it would just be the saddest thing because the house would be so quite that you could hear a pin drop(when normally you hear loud barking) so it was just this cold reminder everyday of what happened.  I cried on the couch and was so wrecked with worry.  I kept thinking,  what if he got hit by a car?  What if someone took him in but is not responding to the flyers?  What if he died of malnourishment?  what if he got to the pound but then someone bought him?  It was day 3 at this point so I thought theres so much that could have  happened to him that all the odds were against me getting him back.  But I just kept looking.  I would not stop..  One of those days i was walking around the neighborhood again and I saw something dark colored and small kind of like my dog but layed on the floor flat like it was smashed by a car {=(.  My brother alerted me to it and my heart stopped!  My eyes opened big and in my head that was my dog.. smashed to the floor lifeless.  It actually even had a red collar JUST LIKE my dog.  When I got closer, I realized it was someone else's cat and the biggest sigh of relief went over me. But I was very sad for that owner, especially going through what I was going through as well.  It just put things in perspective even more and I sent a prayer for that person.  It just made me so sad.  When I was farther away from the cat and thought that it was my dog, and I truly thought that that was my dog, what it felt like was like I experienced his death in real life even though it ended up not being my dog but before I actually knew, it's like I already experienced that feeling if that makes sense. I'm even tearing up writing this because it was just such a traumatic thing.  I was just so thankful that it wasn't him. Then on the fourth day, I went to make my regular trip to the pound.  Looking through all the cages with about out of a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest, maybe a 2 or 3 of hope actually.  I was just going through the motions of it just because I felt worse just sitting on the couch waiting to see if someone would call me about the flyer.  I looked through kinda fast.  not really stopping at each one just passing by and in one of the cages I passed, ...there he was with a whole bunch of other chihuahuas!!!!!  at first I saw the back of him, thinking that kind of looks like my dog but it won't be him. I just know it.  He had the little chihuahua swirlies they have lol.  I was thinking it looks an awful lot like my dog but it isn't him.  but i did stop in my tracks like is this my dog? and he turned around and OMG. you should have seen his face!!!!  I can't even explain the facial expression he had.  He looked so shocked, scared, like he couldn't believe his eyes!!! His eyes opened soo BIG you could see the white!!  He started barking HYSTERICALLY! I filled out the paperwork and took him home.  In the car on the way home, I cried and cried. But happy tears.  I could not stop smiling.  No problems mattered at that point. None of the things I was going through at that time mattered.  I was sooooooooo happy!!!!! you don't even know!!!!!!   I felt so content and so blessed that I had my doggie back!!!!  Me, my mom, my brother and sister all went to dinner for valentine's day as a family which ended up being the day after and it was just the best valentines day ever!!!!!!!!  I was actually very sad and lonely at this time in my life.  In the beginning of February, I was kind of dreading this day like alot of other women but that whole experience definitely put things into perspective and I will always be thankful around this time of year that I was able to find my doggie!!!!! 

Happy Friday & Valentine's day Readers! =)  Don't let the little things get you down!!! 
                xoxo T            


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