Monday, October 5, 2015

Summer Favs!!!

Summer Favs!!! <3 

Thank god! Summer favs means summer has come to it's eeeeend!  I know I'm not the only one thinking it! But aside from the heatwaves and just general hotness, I've NEVER been a fan of summer. The sun, the humidity, the yellow skies. Just no!  I have never liked it.  Though it looks like the weather of happiness to most it seems, to me it's utter depression! lol (kidding but not kidding).  But I found a few products (and a couple beautiful summer memories) that got me through this summer and also have just become my general favs. So let's get into it shall we?


BeautyCon was a little dream for this year and that dream came true!  I made it a point that I was going to this years event and it was amaaazing!  If you love makeup, this is definitly an event for you. There was makeup galore!  I have a blog all about that day that'll be linked below! =]  


I went and got this little doggy icecream for my little boo and he. LOVED it!  They come in a couple flavors and you can get them at your local Vons.  This one is peanut butter. I think your dog will probably love this treat as much as beggin strips in the summer! 


Sorry for the black background. It matches this Summer haul in NO way! lol I don't know what I was thinking. 

This kit was so hydrating and I love the smell of argan oil.  It could literally be a perfume it smells so good.  So thats also a plus but also, its good to oil your hair.  I learned that recently while trying to take better care of mine.  Oil is definitely good for it and NEEDED!  


I wore these 2 beautycon. 
Is this not the most perfect pair of shades to wear in the summer? lol and at a summer event like beautycon lol.  I LOVED wearing these!  They are pink, cute and rainbow lensed perfection! =)


Believe it or not, I went to palm springs this summer.  I know I know, your thinking.. Why on GODS green earth would you go 2 the DESERT while it was that freaking hot?! lol But it was a random get away and actually was one of my favorite memories of this summer.  It was so relaxing and chill.  I did some night swimming.. aand  a little day swimming lol. I walked all around downtown palm spring springs and shopped and ate.  And the kicker for this trip was I randomly found marilyn monroes old house! =] Thats the pic above of it with the cute little mailbox.  I'm a bit of a marilyn fanatic if I haven't established that yet lol.  She's one of my favorite starlets of all time and it was so cool to find one of her houses.  It was also interesting to find out that the desert was were all the old classic hollywood stars use to hang out such as frank sinatra and just all the classic people of that era.  

Another fav is this little lady bug pill box!  My sensei or ex sensei I should say use to take a LOAD of vitamins and supplements and I guess you can say thats where I got the idea. I've always kind of wanted to start taking supplements of my own so now I'm starting!  This one is a cute little kiddy lady bug one that's Saturday through Sunday and it also has a little latch to lock so you dont loose all your pills in your purse! lol 


I got this as a little gift for my birthday this year and I just thought it was SO perfect! It's my cutest wine glass now.  There's 2 things to take note about this pic. One, that even my family calls me trixie now lol.   I posted this pic on Instagram with the caption "even my family calls me trixie, I think that makes it official" And I think it does! lol And 2, you know your a lush when you get a gift like this lmao.  That is all.  


This summer, my little sis graduated from middle school *tears* and is off to high school now...  But first, we celebrated her graduation at Knotts Berry Farm! This was such a magical day. We literally did eeverything at the park!

   9. THE IVY

I had a bday brunch with my beautiful mom sitting across at this place called the ivy in beverly hills.  Literally the best salad in all the land!! I promise!  This was definitly a fav for me.  I have a whole review on this restaraunt for anyone who might be interested.  I'll link that below too! =) (side note: I called out sick for this day and randomly ran into the manager I lied to to get out of work 😳! It was the craziest thing.I work very close to this restaurant and for some reason didn't give it a second thought. It was this weird moment where me and my manager locked eyes and he gave me this look like "I see you" but decided to let it go and not say anything more about it lol.) 

And that marks my summer memories and favs for 2015.  Crazy.  Time passes so fast. Change happens so quickly but It was a great summer and now I'm ready for my most favorite season of all time. FALL! everyone's fav season. Now we can break out the psl's and candles lol. 

Happy Fall Everyone!

-Twitter - @TrixieLuxx -  

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