Monday, November 21, 2016

Church night from hell...

Church night from hell...
(story time)

        So last Sunday I decided to go to a little church by the name of victory outreach...  Now I am a person who tends to like more peaceful churches.. that's just me.  I like churches that just teach the bible and that's basically it. Also preferably an hour long max lol.  But this Sunday evening since we (my husband and I) didn't have a church to go to and this one happens to be the closest to us, we just decided to go there.  Now, if you are a regular church goer as in you go every Sunday, you'll know that churches tend to be more chill at night.  They might dim the lights, they most likely have soft music playing and just overall it's much more of a relaxing environment.

    When I walk in, to my surprise it IS that way.. (mostly).  The lights are dim.  There was softer music playing and people kind of spending time with god in there.  But still a little bit more wild.  Let me explain... lol 

   In my old church I use to go to, the quite time was much more quite.  People went to their SEATS and kind of just had there time to reflect, pray etc..  But in this church mostly everybody was up.  Either dancing in the dark like this one lady was kind of dancing/ speaking in tongues right by the speaker.  Also people were laying on the ground by the pulpit.  People were pacing back and forth inside the church which I'm not saying there's anything wrong with this, it's just different for me.

   So this went on about 30 mins or so.  I actually (somewhat) was enjoying the service (at least much more than time before).  So I close my eyes and I was trying to have my time and pray and I guess as I was doing this they were getting things set up..

    As soon as I open my eyes, 5 ppl are all one the stage with microphones looking at me... lol the lights come on, BRIGHT! lol no fade into light. Nope.  They just pop on! and this LOUD music starts and everybody just basically starts screaming.  All the singers are jumping and going HARD, Like with all of their might hard lol. They are sweating and singing at the top of their lungs!  I almost wouldn't call it singing.  More like shouting into the mic as loud as they possibly can..  And everybody is off key just like yelling!

  This went on about an hour which I couldn't actually tell because I think there's no clocks in there.  But also I don't like to be that person looking at the clock, not even on my phone.  But ok, that went on about an hour and then they introduced the pastor.  And just as I expected, the pastor got on the mic and started screaming his head off!  He screamed so hard he was not only sweating but drooling a bit too.  And you know when your screaming and moving so much to get your point across that you get out of breathe and forget what your about to say next?  This happened alot.  It's like he was doing so much that not enough oxygen was getting to his brain so he can think clearly on what to say next.  Between the yelling and karate kicks he was doing up there, I think he tired hisself out. lol  

But.. this church experience still isn't over.  So we are all standing by our chairs and the pastor asked if you wanted to be prayed over to come up...  Now usually in my old church when that happens ppl go up for prayer for specific things they are dealing with. But I forgot that this church is different.

   The ENTIRE church went up and squeezed themselves into the front... and then he said make a prayer circle.  It all happened so fast that there was a giant prayer circle before I  knew it.  I guess my husband got excited by the festivities and just RAN up to the prayer circle and left ME with all our stuff....So I'm sitting there (feeling awkward) by myself minus a couple people that stayed back too and am watching this all take place.  

       Then everybody gets back to their seats and another session of the praise and worship team happens.  Mind you, I was wearing heels through this and we did like alot of standing.  This is one of those churches where no one is sitting so it feels awkward to sit even though my feet were starting to hurt so I just kind of manned up through the rest of it lol.  I was wondering man, why are my feet hurting as we were leaving.  I finally looked at the clock and it was 9.... church started at 6! So that was 3 hours of just idk what... lol

    No offense to ppl who like these churches.  I just cant! lol   
end of church rant

xoxo t <3



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