How to be Happy
I have been asked how am I so happy all the time or people comment on my happiness and tell me they always see me smiling and that it's beautiful. It was a long road to being happy. I wouldn't even say I'm a role model for happiness but I am a happy girl and I know it. I also know I'm truly happy because it relies on absolutely nothing. Do you want to know how to be happy too? and know all my secrets? lol then read below!! <333333
Before I get into the steps, I think I should mention that I am not a rich girl, I am not in love, I am not skinny and I am not a lot of the so called things that make you happy.
Happy Tips =)
1) Know that being happy is attractive - Being happy is attractive and so you guessed it, being unhappy is not attractive.Probably the most sexiest thing to be even before confident is happy. It is the most beautiful thing to be happy and it is even more beautiful to be happy and content with your life even when you are lacking. A smile is the most beautiful thing a woman can wear as I always say. =)
2) Know that anyone who is happy now is the person who has went through the most pain usually. - It's just the truth. Regardless of the visual problems you see or what they've told you. None of those things matter. If they are happy now, they have probably been through a lot of pain in their past. That is not just a popular quote. That is real life. Everyone in their life goes through a certain depression and a certain amount of things before they realize that happiness is up to them and NOT their circumstances.
3) *very important one* Work through your problems! I've read and heard before that affirmations don't really work. I don't agree with that necessarily but I do agree that people need to actually work through their problems. They can't just tell themselves they don't exist. What many do is go to distraction after distraction which is why they feel a feeling of unhappiness but then don't know why. They just know that they are unhappy. A big reason people are unhappy is because they have deep rooted issues they never ever worked through and it unconsciously bothers them every single day. It's usually a number of issues and not just one thing too. You need to have quite time and time to yourself. This doesn't necessarily mean being single. You can work on yourself and through your issues while in your relationship. Single is ideal though because you have a complete time to be to yourself and focus on only you. This actually makes a big difference to having clarity and doing REAL soul searching. Do deep soul searching and work through the pain. Have time alone for clarity. Push through the pain and don't lean on distractions. That is the biggest thing that can stop you from solving your problems or having character growth. The good news is you don't even have to solve your problems to feel happiness. All you have to do is start and you will start feeling good feelings. Its kind of like going to the gym. As soon as you start going to the gym, don't you feel better and confident? Even with zero results? This works the exact same way.
4) Happiness is a choice. - I know many won't get this one but this is one of the biggest secrets to happiness. I know when I went through depression, hearing this wouldnt even make sense to me but it's true. Happiness is a choice. It's deciding that I WILL be happy today no matter what. I WILL be happy regardless of my financial crisis. I WILL be happy regardless if I am in a happy relationship or not. I WILL be happy regardless if I am not at the place I want to be in life right now. You start realizing that all you really have is now and you aren't guaranteed tomm. I think many are obviously aware of this but once that is truly ingrained in you, you wouldn't want to waist even one day or even one minute! That's why older people wake up so early. They don't want to waist one minute of their day. It's also why they don't sweat the small stuff. They don't want to waist even one second of their day being worried about little things. Young people like myself wake up in the afternoon if they don't have obligations and worry about every little thing just because time is on our side but really you don't know if time is on your side or not!
5) Gratitude - This is another big secret to happiness. Having gratitude for the things you DO have. Most of us are blessed beyond our wildest dreams but we are just so use to our blessings that we can't see them anymore. We let the problems of our lives over shadow the millions of little things that did go right today. The way you can start being filled with gratitude is to look around yourself and notice all of the very little things you have and let yourself feel a tremendous appreciation for them because you are lucky and because your things are beautiful. Be thankful for the phone you have in your hand to read this. Be thankful that you can read. Be thankful you are alive today. The little things. Be thankful that you are beautiful. If you are a girl reading this right now, more than likely you are beautiful so let yourself feel beautiful and feel grateful for being able to feel that feeling and it can go on and on honestly. If you do this for even 15 minutes or so, you will feel a tremendous happiness inside you. I'm even feeling happier for coming up with just those few examples. It really works like magic.
At the end, know that true happiness isn't circumstantial which means true happiness doesn't come when everything in your life is going good. For those that think this, life will never be perfect. If you know life will never be perfect like a fairy tale, also know life won't be good necessarily either. There will always be something. I promise you. You have to make life good and worth living NOW because if you don't, it won't be and it never will be good. And this cannot depend on your finances right now and it can't depend on a man. I'm sorry. These are just facts. A lot of times we learn these lessons when we loose everything.
I hope this article helps someone out there. I'm sure it will. And two articles in one day?!! whaaat!!! I'm on a role right now! lol
Happy Tuesday Evening. Remember
*choose happy =)*
xoxo T
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