Monday, November 17, 2014

How to know there is a creator of the universe?

How to know there is a creator 
of the universe? 
(Simple Breakdown) 

"A painting implies a painter.." 

Hey everyone!  Today I wanted to talk about a question that is probably one of the more important questions we could ever ask.  How do we know there is a creator of the universe? Philosophers and thinkers over the ages have narrowed things down into a few possibilities.   

There are 3 main theory's to discuss.

1. The universe created itself.
2.The universe is eternal.
3. -or-  The universe does in fact have a creator.

This is a simple common sense breakdown.  
Let's start with the first one.  The universe created itself.  Now in order for the universe to create itself, it would have already had to be in existence.  The universe would have had to already been in existence to create itself and this is philosophically impossible. So this theory can be scratched!

So lets go to the next one which is, the universe is eternal.  This theory has already been rejected by the scientific community. Why?  Discoveries like the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the motions of the galaxies and many other scientific discoveries have pointed to an actual beginning of the universe.  Science has shown that the universe has not always existed and therefore is not eternal so this theory can be scratched as well!

This only leads to a final conclusion which is that there was some kind of creator.  Without much deep digging, it's something that is kind of obvious.  When we look at any object, a creator is implied without having to actually see them.  When we see a painting, a painter is only naturally implied. What proof do you need to conclude that a painter exists?  A building would be considered an intellectual design and to think that it magically created itself (going back to the universe creating itself, the big bang theory and such) has enormous faults in it.  It's like saying a tornado swept through a town and magically made a functioning automobile.
So with all this being said, what about god?..

Well if you think about it, "Something" had to have always existed.. If there was a time when absolutely nothing existed, nothing would exist now.

I hope you enjoyed this article and it was informative!  If you like articles like this, let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to write more! If your interested in this subject and things like this I recommend studying and researching Apologetics and there are so many articles about things like this online as well. 

Happy Monday!!!! <3        

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