Thursday, March 26, 2015

Nail Drama!

Nail Drama!

So storytime. I went to get my nails done as usual and the guy does a AWFUL freaking job!!! Sooo terrible! They all were breaking and becoming loose right away! >=((( At one point, my hands legit looked like they went through world war 2. And it gave me soooo much freaking stress!  I don't know what it is but when my nails are messed up, i get major anxiety.My heart pounds, my palms get sweaty too. It's weird.  

I guess it's because I think about how awful they are, how I have to find another nail shop, how I gotta explain what happened and come in there with that world war 2 nail situation.  I worry if the same thing will happen again, how I have to be careful till I actually get to the nail shop and so on. So many things.  So at this point, all my nails were kind of messed up but only one nail completely broke so I decided just to find a nail shop really quickly, just fix that nail and call it a day.  I didn't have much time to do this as well which probably added to the anxiety.  So I'm walking around west hollywood trying to find a nail shop, find one and fix my nail.  Problem solved..or so I think...  Literally the next day I break another nail!  But this time its a different one.... -_-  Mind you, I just went to the nail shop the day before and payed 5 dollars to fix my nail, and also a tip of 2 dollars just because I felt like I should you know.  I always do when I get a regular fill so I ended up leaving the shop spending 7 dollars for 1 nail lol.. some messed up crap! But it happened. There's nothing I can do about it now so I leave it alone.  But when I break the other nail.  I'm pretty much furious!  I go back to the nail shop and to the same one because he actually did a really good job fixing my nail and explained why they weren't staying well and how he could fix it so it made me specifically come back to him and I just end up getting a fill. 

Once I got that fill, I was on cloud 9.  I thought, my nails are perf.  Life is good. And you know, I ain't got no worrys!  lol  But then..., I freaking break another nail!! (different from the nail that broke before)......... 

At this point, I'm so exhausted.  I just didn't even wanna go back.  So I've been trooping on with some crazy glue because I been to the nail shop maybe four times in the span of less than 2 weeks.  But then days later, while leaning on my bed, I break another freaking nail!! This one actually hurt and this one I take the blame for because I did this one myself but it's just like come on!! Can I get a break!  

So as of now, I'm typing with 2 broke nails! lol  Oh god! And It's gonna stay that way for the next couple days or so. Oh well lol. But I literally feel like I went through a nail nightmare. And am still currently going through it. -_- 

I notice nail shops usually always do your nails nice the first 1 or 2 times and then after that, they do the most sloppy jobs ever!! They ask if your a new customer and if you are, they will do a wonderful job.  That's a trick if you want your nails done really nice and high quality.  If you say, you been there before, they will do your nails like you been there before lol. They don't care. This collectively happens everywhere though so I don't even trust the nail shop I fixed my nails at.  He did a really good job but I doubt that will last long.  It's actually really hard to find a good nail person. Very hard. So if I come across a nail tech that actually does a good job every time, I will be LOYAL!!! Hand to god! lol  I don't really get the logic of providing good service for only the first visit.  Don't they realize that once the service is bad, the customer will leave?  Why do they act like the customer will stay or that their aren't many many other nail shops to go to?
I don't understand that lol.  I think nail shops are the one place that has the worst customer service sometimes too.  They treat the customer like they will always be there and that the customer isn't what keeps their place in business or something. But anyway, I guess you live and learn. I will say though, that while getting my nails fixed, seeing a line of all gay men getting pedicures was kind of hilarious!! lol

Ah me!  A girl is nothing without her claws! I'm still on the quest to finding my perfect nail person.

xoxo T 

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1 comment:

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