Monday, September 15, 2014

What's in my DVR!

What's in my DVR! <3

Happy Monday Everyone!  Monday can be such a dread sometimes.  Back to school, back to work, back to the worries of your life but dread not.  This article will be giving you the hottest things on TV right now to add some fun and entertainment to your work week!  Tonight, I wanted to talk about what's hot in my DVR right now and what YOU should have in your DVR to keep it spicy!  This is girl central tv so if you aren't a girl/ladyboy or think the television was the invention of the devil lol.. then feel free to click out.  Let's get started!! 

Ok so I'll start with my most FAAV show on TV right now and that is none other than Dancing with the Stars!!!

1.  Dancing with the stars!!! <333

Dancing with the stars is like the best show ever!!! It never gets boring.  It never gets tired out.  I am obseeesssed!  I thought it would be only right to write this article tonight because guess what?  Tonight is the season premiere!!! yayyy!!! lol.  I've really actually missed dancing with the stars.  It's been sad not having it in my DVR and I was legit feeling a void in my heart but it's BACK!!!  Dancing with the stars season 19 premieres tonight!  Here's a pic of the new cast!

Yes.  That's Alfonso Ribeiro (Carlton) from Fresh Prince in the middle! lol.  I am excited about Betsey Johnson too!  And for the first time ever, they are having a youtuber dance! what?!!  Yeah.  Bethany Mota (the DIY queen) will be there representing!  Youtubeing is officially official because they literally are in movies, tv shows and just literally everything!  Also,  I'm going live this time to the premiere!! =))) Very excited!! 

2. Dating Naked!!

 Before you judge, hear my plea. Ok.  So I think I heard of this show first on Wendy and literally a second went by and I was like uh. Nope.  I have absolutely NO interest in this show.  Then one day I was flipping through channels and caught a few seconds and literally it only took a few seconds and I was hooked!  The idea seems so boring and ridiculous but when you actually watch it, it's 1. hilaarious!!!! lol.  If you follow me on twitter you see me tweeting about it lol.  They have them on these dates butt ass naked..on a tropical island.. (or so it looks to be) and if that wasn't enough, they have them doing these super athletic things that normal people do NOT do on dates!  It is hilarious!  Not only that, but I personally think it shows the reality of dating in a fun tongue and cheek kinda way (no pun intended).lol

The next show is a classic

3. The Wendy Williams show!!!

Of course!  Duh I'm gonna watch this.  It's all the latest things happening in pop culture and the new season premiere was TODAY!!  I was definitely feeling a void with this one because the wendy williams show is apart of my daily life. Tvnista and proud!  I need wendy!  Today she ate the crow as she promised she would if Kim and Kanye's wedding lasted longer than 72 days I believe lol!  

4. Keeping up with the Kardashians.

  Next.  Another classic.  KUWTK.  Might as well since I was leading up to it.  I still love this show.  This is an exciting season because it is all the behind the scenes of Kim's wedding and going to Paris. It really feels like your watching the behind the scenes of iconic moments in pop culture.  It's kinda crazy.

5.  R&B Divas

And last I'll leave with a new one.  R&B Divas!!! (LA) I'll leave E news out because it's kinda self explanatory I think.  R&B divas slowly made it's way into my DVR because it is amazing!  Now that they've added Chrisette Michele, I'm hooked!  And of course I love me some Chante Moore!  I like these shows where people are working at their dreams and trying to make it big in the industry.

And that is what's hot in my DVR!  I hope I gave some good suggestions to keep things spicy so when you start your Monday, you have something to look forward to which is a good show and of course an article from yours truly =)  

xoxo T

**NEW article every MONDAY**  




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