Saturday, July 18, 2015

Miracle Story

Miracle Story <3

So the other day, my little Jesse got away again.. =,( He got out the side of the house and got lost again. And if you follow me on twitter or anything you see how I post pics and talk about him all the time!  I take him everywhere.  Jesse is like my son!  My furry little son! lol Obviously because I titled this, the miracle story, there is a wonderful ending but keep reading (if you'd like lol). I been meaning to write a blog on this too.  Not because I would ever share this story, just because it was such an awful experience for me.  But how it ends is such a miracle that I felt it needed to be shared!

So I found out he got out again and I started to cry right away.  I was sooo sad because if you've read before, this isn't the first time but the 2ND time he got lost!  In my mind, because this was the 2nd time..,  I felt like this was it.  This was it!  There was no way on gods earth that a miracle would happen not once but twice!  So my heart was just soo broke.  Broken as if there just was no fixing it.  In those moments, I can say there was a period where it felt like it was a permanent break (because for all I knew at the time, that truly was it ='().  It was a no hope feeling and as if that was just it and life just must go on somehow the next day like this didn't just happen.  

Anyways.  Backtrack to the last time.  I was just as hurt and I went out looking for him in the neighborhood right away.  I looked for hours.  Asking every neighbor.  6 hours later there was just no sign of him.  This was a couple years back, and I remember just going into action mode.  I prayed but I more so went directly into action and logical thinking mode, Like ok, I checked here, now I'll check here, then I'll print flyers, then I'll check the pound without really stopping to think..  I was in a state of depression after all. (You know those moments when you don't want to stop being  in action and looking and moving forward because if you do, it feels like whatever happened is a permanent thing?)  That's how I felt. so I looked day and night and didnt find him for 4 whole long and depressing days.  But this time.. when he got lost, and by the time I had found out, It was already late night.. and I just came from work.  So it was already at a point where I couldn't really look for him because it was dark outside and late as well.  But I did take a flashlight and walk all around the neighborhood. But it was kind of hard because it was just too dark. (And it doesn't help that he is a very dark chocolate color lol).  So basically after running around my neighborhood with a flashlight and a late night drive to the pound just to be disappointed, I just sat in my house, in the dark because I just couldn't sleep and I was in a very deep depression.  I couldn't watch tv or anything. Because like I said, you don't want to do those things in those moments.  When you sit there and watch a show or look at youtube, its as if life is going on passed that moment and it makes it feel like that moment will be permanent.  And as much as it hurts, you want to keep thinking about it because in some strange way you want to feel the sadness so that its like they are still there.  In your mind at least.  But anyways.  I sat in the dark for a long time.  I started really thinking and reflecting on many things in my life. I started praying but not from the place I prayed from some years back.  (Years back.. I was praying just that he would be safe and that I would find him. That's it.  Towards the end I reached a place of praying for certain areas of my life and my family's lives and other people as well. I remember praying and just certain things I wont share here but touching on certain things and BAM!  I found him the next day at the pound. It was literally that instant!   This was last time though.. I never thought in a million years I'd find him again or he'd find me.)

The Miracle moment

I was sitting there in the dark, tears still coming down my face, I prayed again, but this time, coming from the place I did when I lost him last time around the fourth day.  I reflected deeply and prayed for clarity for myself and I prayed about certain things in my life and my family's life that I wont share here because it is very personal.  This was at 2am exactly.  I was sitting in the dark praying something specific and I had just finished. And the SECOND after, I hear this BIG sound at the door!  It was a BIG scratching sound that almost sounded like a thud that I never heard.  I ran to the door and opened it and he was just sitting there on my doorstep!!!!!...... 

It literally felt like an unreal surreal moment! 
God literally delivered him on my doorstep with almost no work on my part! (by the way, I prayed that also which was that maybe somehow miraculously he would just show up). 

If that's not a miracle, I don't know what is!!! He somehow found his way home (in the dark mind you) when he was nowhere to be found in the neighborhood  just before because I checked all over everywhere. Also no one had seen him.  He was lost a total of 12 hours as well.  Somehow he just found his way home and ALSO, He came to the door and scratched the hell out of the door to signal me to come to the door which he has never done in his entire life!  I literally couldn't believe it.  Most people don't find there dogs the first time they loose them.. I found my dog the first time and then the second time he found me.  I just think that is a miracle and that I had to share.  Prayer works miracles and I believe things happen in the universe way beyond our understanding and there is always a reason or reason(s).

I also thought,  once he was here that, the 2 key factors in these experiences is that I got to a spiritual place of understanding and literally right after, that's when I either found him or he found me.  It's kind of trippy but it goes to show, that there are two sides to life.  The practical side like me looking all over for him, and the metaphysical/mental and spiritual side in life.  I believe it's like 50/50. There's a practical side in life where you "do" actions for a certain reaction, but there's also the other 50 percent which is the thinking.  If your mind is not right, then it doesn't matter how many places you look or this or that.  You wont find what your looking for unless its aligned up with you and you are ready to receive it in a sense.  Some will understand that and some wont but I'll leave it at that.    

  I know some people think that things happen randomly and as human beings we just like to think that things happen for a reason and there is a meaning.  But I believe this because everything has it's purpose.  Even when you look at the ecosystem, the trees, everything has its purpose and so do circumstances and events that happen that can seem so random.  But they have there purpose as well because to every cause there is an effect!

There were a multitude of things that happened that night and people I talked and so fourth that wouldn't have happened, and I wouldn't have talked to if he hadn't gotten lost.  So there were a chain of events that took place after and I feel like somewhere in that chain of events, something happened so that he could come back.  That's what I believe.    

When he came home I just hugged and kissed him so much! 
I thought I would never see him again and there he was barking like crazy! lol I literally screamed!!!

Also.. Before all this happened, there was this puppy ice cream I was thinking to get him.  Every time I passed it, I thought eh, another time.  After all that happened, I went to the store and got him that puppy ice cream! lol Literally the next day and he loved it so much!  I guess that's to say don't wait.  If you wanna do something. Do it!  Life is too short.  Get the puppy ice scream! Get yourself a treat too! lol Live and be merry! 

I think the lesson here is that we must pay attention to life.  There is reason amidst the chaos and we must pay attention.  And pray, and be spiritual. But also, live!  Life is so short and you never know when it'll be your last day or when you'll see your puppy last.  And lastly be grateful and thankful.  Never stop being grateful because we have so much to be grateful for.  Our human nature makes us get comfortable and forget to be thankful.  Like that is naturally apart of us but I feel like we have to combat it and not be lazy about it and say no!  I will feel as grateful in this moment as I should feel even though I'm already so comfortable and used to the many blessings I have in my life.  And that is all.  

I hope this helps someone.  It took me some days to sit down and write this because to me, writing it is reliving it to some degree but I felt it was a responsibility to relive it and share it so that it doesn't go in vain in anyway.  Maybe someone else will read this and it will give them comfort if they lost there dog and maybe it just may bring there dog back to them.

p.s he will not be getting lost again.  I took measures to make sure of it!! =)

xoxo T <3    


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